Trending Internet Theories

The Bull has T.I.T.S. -- See the Trending Internet Theories Section on BullShift News. You'll be surprised by the insane, the funny, and the scarily believable theories that are running rampant. They are entertaining! And who knows, they might even help you predict the future and understand the chaos.

Is a revote coming?
See the Bull's T.I.T.S. and the Nov. 13th video from Juan O'Savin predicting the election chaos, future actions, and the 17th book (Q?)

Coming Soon:
Coming Soon:
Coming Soon:
Coming Soon:
What news is Shifty and what news is Bullish. Can they pass the BullShift sniff test? Let Bull and Shift sort it out for you. ............................... Trending Now:........ Great Reset Pt 4: Bill Cooper’s Behold a Pale Horse Predicts the Future! Globalist Silent Weapons for Quiet Wars!...
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