BullShift News Antarctic Cover

February 2nd, 2023
Cream Puffs
🎬 The Storm 🎬

“The real Mary Poppins got lost when Hollywood turned her into a cream puff.” ― Anita Diament

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  • Marching against the cost of living
    Thousands march in London over cost of living crisis... Thousands of people have gathered in London to protest against the government’s lack of action in tackling the cost of living crisis.
  • Ambasador to the Alien world
    United Nations Appointing Ambassador to Alien World?... Malaysian astrophysicist Mazlan Othman may add a new job to her resume. She is currently director of the United Nations Office for Outer Space Affairs (UNOOSA), which deals space-related issues, ranging from international cooperation in peaceful uses of outer space to managing the growing problem of space debris.
  • The mysteries of DNA
    DNA Binding to the Silica Surface... We investigate the DNA–silica binding mechanism using molecular dynamics simulations. This system is of technological importance, and also of interest to explore how negatively charged DNA can bind to a silica surface, which is also negatively charged at pH values above its isoelectric point near pH 3. We find that the two major binding mechanisms are attractive interactions between DNA phosphate and surface silanol groups and hydrophobic bonding between DNA base and silica hydrophobic region. Triple Helix... Cystine knots of FACIT collagens FACIT collagens contain short triple helical domains interdispersed with nontriple helical domains. Collagen type IX is composed of three different α chains, while all others are homotrimers. Unlike the fibril-forming collagens, the FACITs have significantly shorter C-terminal NC domains, but share a remarkable sequence homology in the first collagenous domain (COL1) with two imperfections within the triple helix.
  • The House pushes more bills through, including removing the US from the WHO
    H. R. 79 WHO is pulling the strings... To direct the President to withdraw the United States from the Constitution of the World Health Organization, and for other purposes. H.R.669 nukes... To restrict the first-use strike of nuclear weapons. H.R.649 domestic terrorists... To establish the National Commission on Domestic Terrorist Attacks on the United States by Antifa, and for other purposes. H.R.647 natural gas... To repeal restrictions on the export and import of natural gas. H.R.637 JFK files... To direct the heads of certain departments and agencies of the Federal Government to publicly disclose all assassination records and information relevant to the assassination of President John F. Kennedy, and for other purposes. H.R.609 tax refund for elementary and secondary tuition... To amend the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 to allow a refundable credit against income tax for tuition expenses incurred for each qualifying child of the taxpayer in attending public or private elementary or secondary school.
  • The campaign against Ivermectin was more than Mr. ED (A horse is a horse of course of course)
    Does Ivermectin Cause Sterility in Men?... A study published in 2011 and widely circulated in September 2021 found that 85% of men treated with ivermectin for a tropical disease known as river blindness were found to be sterile.
  • Student Loans for 16 million
    Government Approves Student Loan Forgiveness For 16 Million... More than 16 million student loan borrowers have been approved for forgiveness—aid they’ll only get if President Joe Biden’s relief program survives a legal challenge in the Supreme Court next month.
  • The Solar Flash - The Event
    The Great Solar Flash is a unique event that will take place very shortly on our planet! For many years, people have been looking for this event. It has been called a “phantom” event by some, but it is real. It has been recorded in history since at least AD 778. The Flash would be a powerful burst of cosmic light that would leave you feeling as if you had been reborn, as every cell of your being was recharged with new energy. The Flash of light that will be seen for miles as it illuminates the sky. It will cleanse your body and your consciousness of all negative energies. You, my Beloved Lightworkers, have been patiently waiting for this for a long time. For magnificent, a miraculous "Event" such as this one can only occur at the perfect Divine Timing. We, the Company of Heaven, must wait until the frequency of Light on Planet Earth is high enough to catalyse/trigger the Event and until everyone who has, at a Higher Level, decided to Ascend is sufficiently ready. We all have worked hard for this massive project for thousands of Earth years; for what felt like aeons in your Linear concept of Time. The amount of highly-evolved Light Beings participating in this Grand Adventure number in the trillions; located on both sides of the Realms, physical and non-physical. And you are among them! Your dedication, hard-work, courage, perseverance, immense victories over seemingly impossible to overcome challenges and all the experiences that you had gone through in current and past lives, have brought you right to this point. They have made you ready. And the time is NOW for all of you to reap the rewards! Let us begin with the following question "What is this Great Event?" You may have heard of the Event mentioned in passing, in other messages, blogs or books. And for some of you, this may be the first time you have come across this information. Simply put, the Event is a singular, Cosmic, completely visible, Planetary- scale "explosion" of Divine Light and Love on Earth. These powerful waves of Divine Light and Love will come straight from God/Source; channelled through the Great Central Sun. They will pass through your Galaxy and Planetary systems, to arrive and encompass all of the Earth in ONE single moment, reaching all living within the Planet at the same time. Gaia and all of Her inhabitants will be able to see and feel the Event, and not a single person will remain unaffected afterwards. What is likely to happen during the Event? During the Event, all incarnate Souls will feel a powerful, undeniable surge of the following feelings all mixed in together: Unconditional Love, Divine Bliss, Complete Acceptance of who you are, Divine Grace/Blessings, and, strong feelings of finally being HOME again. During this powerful energy surge, some of you will be able to witness the appearance of an Ascended Master: Leaders/founders of the religions/faiths that you believe in or have a close spiritual connection with. For example, if you are a Christian, you may see a vision of Lord Jesus and will be able to talk to Him personally. If you are a Buddhist, you may see a vision of Siddharta Gautama (the Buddha) and be able to have a private conversation with Him. You will instantly be able to recognise who they are, by the very powerful Light and Loving vibrations they emanate and by your own eternal connection with the souls of these highly-evolved Light Beings. Even after reading what is written above, it will be challenging for most of you to even imagine what the Event will feel like, because you do not yet have a previous life experience as a starting point of reference to compare it within this lifetime. However some of you reading this may have experienced something similar to the Event, during your meditation/spiritual awakening, but on a much smaller scale. If you belong to this latter group, bear in mind that whatever you had previously felt in the past, you will feel all of the above feelings again, but magnified more than a thousand times during the coming Event. What will happen to everyone after the Event, however, is where it gets a little bit tricky to explain. Every one of you will perceive and process the Event differently: depending on the type of Soul Group you belong to among the 4 different Soul Groups below. Group 1 consists of Awakened Souls, our Lightworkers and all of you who are reading this. You will know and understand the Event as what it truly is. It is the great catalyst that will simultaneously mark the beginning of Nova Gaia and mark the "End Times" - the End of Life as you have previously known it on Third-Dimensional Earth. You had been awakened earlier than most of Humanity for a very important reason: you have been entrusted to be the Guides, the Way- Showers and the Leaders of Fourth and Fifth-Dimensional living. You all have been training and preparing for this Moment in Time for a very long time, and are now completely ready to take up the mantle of Leadership and be the Teachers and Mentors you have come here to be. The Blueprint of your Life; the next steps that you need to take; the role that you will assume after this Great Event will be revealed to you in greater depth and clarity by your Higher Selves and your Spirit Team. Most of you have answered your "Calling" and have begun or already settled into these Light-work roles anyway by now, in some way, shape or form. You will be the Leaders of the Fourth and Fifth Dimensional ways of life and will receive constant guidance and direct assistance from your Galactic Brothers and Sisters from many highly-evolved, advanced civilizations. You will enjoy the lessons these Galactics will provide to help with the Planetary Healing of Gaia as well as the formation of Nova Earth. Many new, Fourth-Dimensional structures are now ready to be put into place and your Spiritual powers will be fully awakened and start to develop at a faster rate. You will learn how to master your thoughts since Humanity will soon be a Race of Beings who, predominantly, communicates via Telepathy. Mastering your thoughts is the first step to Mastering the Art of Creation and Manifestation. And your Galactic Brothers and Sisters will greatly help you in this as well. And when your lessons with them are complete, you will then go out into the world to share this knowledge with others so that all Humans on Planet Earth will one day, be the Living Embodiment of their Higher Selves. All will become powerful Creators and Manifestors. Earth will become a Planet that only consists of Loving Beings who truly embody Oneness and Unity; of Masterful Beings who have truly Ascended. Group 2 consists of Unawakened Souls, who, at a Higher Level, planned to Ascend in this lifetime. However, the Event will trigger tremendous shock, confusion and cause them to initiate research into a greater understanding on what exactly has happened to them. The Event can be likened to the loudest Wakeup Call they have ever heard in their entire lives; one that can no longer be ignored. They will start - with a sense of deep urgency that only they can feel to seek and attract into their lives, Guidance from you, my Beloved Lightworker friends. They will intuitively find the "perfect" Mentor for them who possesses the Higher Knowledge needed to help them move forward in their own Great Path of Light. Spiritual development will become their main focus in life. And with time as they grow more spiritually mature, these Souls will also come into a full remembrance of their true, Higher Selves and strive to embody Divine Love in their everyday lives. Group 3 consists of Unawakened Souls who, at a Higher Level, have decided NOT to Ascend in this Lifetime. They will still feel the intensity of the Great Event and also experience all the feelings that come during it. However, after it is over, they will slowly return to life within the Third-Dimensional paradigm. Even if they were to come across "real and authentic" news about the Event and what it signifies, their inner reaction will be strong doubts, disbelief and denial. The Event is the greatest Wake-up Call to all Incarnate Souls on Planet Earth who are currently still un-awake. This Group of Souls however is "sleeping" too deeply and have, at a Higher Level, decided not to wake up in this Lifetime. Thus the Event will not trigger any interest in all things spiritual; as they are not at the phase where spiritual development becomes a priority. In other words, they are not mentally, physically, emotionally and spiritually ready to Ascend right NOW, in this current Lifetime. Group 4 also consists of seemingly Unawakened Souls, but who have decided at a Higher Level to play the roles of the Dark Ones in this Lifetime. There are two types of the Dark Ones in this particular Soul Group. One that is "in-the-know" of what is really happening in terms of the Dark Control on Earth right now, and another which is "completely in the dark" and have no idea, or care about, what Ascension or the "Event" could possibly mean for them. Those of the Dark who are "in the know" who have so far actively and deliberately tried to prevent and stop the Spiritual progress of Humanity - will come to a sudden realisation that their "Time" is now coming to a final end. They will have begun to realise that all is now lost for their Dark cause, since Humanity will by then be showing that they no longer hold any interest in living in the type of lower- vibrational, Third-Dimensional consciousness that these Dark Ones thrive in. Now, here comes the BIG question that I am sure everyone reading this is asking within. "When is this Great Event supposed to take place?" There have been up to now many different answers. Some Channellers have written that it will happen before the end of this year. Others predicted it could occur much later. Which one of these answers is the correct one? Predicting the future is a risky business. That is why when you go to visit two different Psychics at two different times say, one visit in your early twenties and another in your early thirties there is a big possibility that these Psychics will give you two very different answers to the same question you had asked them. Out of the INFINITE number of potential, future realities lying ahead of you, i.e. your probable Timelines, these Psychics can only provide predictions based on your vibrations and intentions you held at the time of your visit. Every single person you met in life who played a part in your life back then, or who would in your future Timeline play a part in your life, will have the power to change your probable future. It really comes down to a "Forks in the Road" choice for everyone who will play a potentially significant role in your life. In the case of the timing of this "Great Event", however, the risks of a misprediction is magnified a million fold. There are many micro and macro factors, coming from the Human Collective, that can influence Space and Time to produce a different Timeline than what was originally predicted/estimated/forecasted. That being said, here comes our final answer to your BIG question. With the presumption that all things and all matters will continue to develop at their current velocity of change, there is a 56% possibility that the Great Event will probably take place within the next 3 to 6 months from today. This answer is based on current "Light Data" and the current Planetary vibration level of Earth. Please do not be disappointed if it comes slightly later than the above forecast. There is even a 30% chance that it will take place before the above time range. The most important thing to bear in mind, regardless of when the Great Event will actually occur, is that this Cosmic, magnificent and miraculous Spiritual Event is inevitable. It will definitely happen. The Light is already victorious! Absolutely nothing can prevent Nova Earth from being manifested into your physical reality right here, right now. It will soon be time for you to join the extremely lively celebrations now already going on in Heaven, in the Higher Dimensional Realms. Cheers and great joy are resonating throughout all the Galaxies in this Universe.
  • Ghosts in the Machine
  • Debt Ceiling
    McCarthy and Biden to meet on spending and debt ceiling; McCarthy says there will be no default... Speaker Kevin McCarthy says he is set to meet with President Joe Biden on Wednesday to discuss the Republican House majority's views on federal government spending and raising the country's borrowing limit in order to avoid a debt default. Republicans demand spending cuts to lift the debt limit. They won't say what to cut.... Republicans, newly empowered with a House majority, are demanding spending cuts as a price for lifting the debt ceiling and averting a catastrophic default on U.S. debt. The world has a major debt problem. Is a reset coming?... The world is in debt. A record amount of debt. Three hundred trillion dollars, to be exact 4 ways around a debt ceiling crisis — and why they might not work... One defining feature of 21st century politics is that the nation keeps tip-toeing up to the edge of potential — and avoidable — economic ruin, in the form of threatening to default on its debt.
  • The Green Comet...
    Green comet C/2022 E3: How to view the rare, Stone Age visitor from deep space... On Feb. 1, a bright-green comet named C/2022 E3 (ZTF) will make a close approach to Earth for the first time in 50,000 years. Swooping within 26 million miles (42 million kilometers) of our planet, the comet will offer a rare night-sky spectacle last seen when modern humans shared our planet with Neanderthals.
  • Wireless Electric
    The Dawn of Wireless Electricity Is Finally Upon Us. Here's How New Zealand Will Do It.... This startup says it can send electric power over long distances without copper wire.
  • Died Suddenly
    Pilots dying during takeoff... American airlines pilots dying during takeoff
  • Snow Moon
    When is the next full moon? What to know about February 2023 'snow moon'... The second full moon of 2023 is not too far away. For sky watchers in the metro Phoenix area, February's "snow moon" will be visible in the night sky in the first week of February.
  • Misandry versus Feminism
    Feminism vs. Misandry... Recently, the statement “I am a feminist” has become synonymous to the statement “I hate men.” The mere idea of feminism is being misconstrued as the idea of hating men.
  • Did the Nazis take over governments and corporations after 1945?
    Snowden Files Prove U.S. Run by Nazi Aliens, Iran Says... The U.S. government is being controlled by a secret regime of aliens called "Tall Whites," who were also instrumental in the rise of Nazi Germany, Iran's semi-official news agency Fars reported on Sunday.
  • DISCOVERING ANTARCTICA... And Hollow Earth...
    Will a Discovery in the Antarctic destroy the History we've been taught?
    Weird Antarctica - the truth behind secret Nazi bases and aliens... Some people have had a little more time on their hands recently. And the internet has many places to play. It seems whatever you think, or believe, the internet will support your view or belief, no matter how bizarre. New Swabia... New Swabia (Norwegian and German: Neuschwabenland) was a disputed Antarctic claim by Nazi Germany within the Norwegian territorial claim of Queen Maud Land and is now a cartographic name sometimes given to an area of Antarctica between 20°E and 10°W in Queen Maud Land.[citation needed] New Swabia was explored by Germany in early 1939 and named after that expedition's ship, Schwabenland, itself named after the German region of Swabia.[ Nazi Maps and Documents to Agartha Confirm the Hollow Earth Accounts... One of the most interesting question many people have asked for centuries is whether there is a possibility that our planet is hollow? The Antarctic Treaty... The 12 nations listed in the preamble (below) signed the Antarctic Treaty on 1 December 1959 at Washington, D.C. The Treaty entered into force on 23 June 1961; the 12 signatories became the original 12 consultative nations. The Ice Wall (61 IMAGES) 1912 Cpt. Robert Scott Expedition... The Antarctic Ice Wall has been a restricted area, with only a few governments around the world allowed to conduct limited research. 8 famous Antarctic expeditions... Antarctic expeditions to the continent of Antarctica have long fueled fascination and burnished the allure of the icy continent. Many of Antarctica's most iconic expeditions are remembered to this day for their achievements, tragedies or stories of against-all-odds survival. Marvel's Savage Land... The Savage Land is a hidden prehistoric land appearing in American comic books published by Marvel Comics. It is a tropical preserve hidden in Antarctica. It has appeared in many story arcs in Uncanny X-Men as well as other related books. Admiral Byrd and The North Pole Flight To Agartha And The Hollow Earth... In this video you will find Admiral Richard Byrd and the interview he first took when he arrived back from his south pole antarctic adventure. The TRUTH about [Operation Highjump] Admiral Byrd in Antarctica - Nazi UFOs? Hollow Earth?... What is the bitter truth waiting for us at the end of the Earth? In this video I explain the massive amount of misinformation surrounding Admiral Byrd's expedition to Antarctica with the U.S. Navy. Operation Highjump... Operation HIGHJUMP, officially titled The United States Navy Antarctic Developments Program, 1946–1947, (also called Task Force 68), was a United States Navy (USN) operation to establish the Antarctic research base Little America IV.[1][2] The operation was organized by Rear Admiral Richard E. Byrd, Jr., USN (Ret), Officer in Charge, Task Force 68, and led by Rear Admiral Ethan Erik Larson, USN, Commanding Officer, Task Force 68. Operation HIGHJUMP commenced 26 August 1946 and ended in late February 1947. Operation High Jump - The Secret Antarctic Missions With Nukes | Ep 129... Antarctica is one of the most mysterious places on the planet. Few people in the world have ever or will ever step foot on this massive slab of ice. Due to the lack of experience with this strange continent, many conspiracy theories have been born around the area. Operation Highjump | Mission: Find and Destroy the Secret Nazi UFO Base In Antarctica... Operation Highjump commenced in August 1946. It was the largest, most heavily armed naval task force ever sent to Antarctica. Admiral Byrd and The North Pole Flight To Agartha And The Hollow Earth... In this video you will find Admiral Richard Byrd and the interview he first took when he arrived back from his south pole antarctic adventure. Admiral Byrd - Flight into the Hollow Earth 1947... This Channel is collecting Reports and Interviews about Hollow Earth. Is there any Clip that should not be on this Channel, or should I complete the References, please contact me. THE UNITED STATES NAVY ANTARCTIC DEVELOPMENTS PROJECT 1946-1947... As an original member of the Greenland Expedition Society I've stepped forward to offer the experience and equipment used to recover Glacier Girl to the wonderful families and great people like Robbie Robbins, George Fabik, Gary Pierson, Garey Jones and so many others that have kept this mission alive through sheer love and determination. Earth Alliance Antarctica Meetings and Quantum Technology... In December 2021, historical agreements were made with the Galactic Federation and Earth Alliance. The agreements were assisted using the quantum technology from the Andromedan Council, which is monitored on the moon and by the Galactic Federation. According to Val Nek, the letter seventeen will return as planned in these agreements. No one is allowed to go to Antarctica but look who's in Antarctica these days! 🐸👀🐸 Antarctica and the Odin Departure - ROBERT SEPEHR... New Swabia (German: Neuschwabenland) was an Antarctic territory annexed by Germany within the Norwegian claim of Queen Maud Land, an area of Antarctica between 20°E and 10°W . Parties to the Antarctic Treaty have agreed to restrict human access to 16 areas of special scientific or environmental value in Antarctica.
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🞞🞞🞞🞞🞞🞞🞞🞞🞞🞞🞞🞞🞞🞞🞞🞞🞞 DON'T LET THEM DIVIDE US... United We Stand!!! Divided We Fall... Allow Others to Have Different Opinions... Be Considerate... Listen... Embrace Diversity... Think Positive... Don't play the role of doomsayer... Don't help to create Civil War 2022: Vaccinated v Unvaccinated - Left v Right - Q Patriots v Sheeple - Race v Race - Sex v Sex - Lower Class v Middle Class v Upper Class - Citizen v Illegal - Democratic Republic v Communism - Pharma v Nature - History v Cancel Culture - Chaos v Order - Bank v Debtors - People v Cabal - Satan v God... We are one! God Wins!!! Thought and Action Creates Reality. Choose Your Thoughts and Actions with Positive Intent.
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