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April 21st-24th, 2023
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“Half of the American people have never read a newspaper. Half never voted for President. One hopes it is the same half.” ― Gore Vidal, Screening History

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  • Mike Lindell ordered to pay $5 Million
    My Pillow CEO Mike Lindell ordered to pay $5M over debunked 2020 election data... My Pillow CEO Mike Lindell, an ally of former President Trump who has aggressively pushed baseless 2020 election denial theories, has been ordered to pay $5 million to a software developer who debunked Lindell’s data about the election. Lindell, who promised to pay the $5 million award to anyone who could debunk his data that purportedly proved election fraud, was ordered to pay the sum by a private arbitrator, who ruled that Robert Zeidman, a software expert, successfully disproved Lindell’s claims, in a decision first reported by CNN.
  • Elvis, his twin, and the dark sun
    The ELVIS code... in under 4 minutes!... Elvis and his twin compared to the Sun and the black sun The true meaning of the Black Sun... There is a symbol that recurs often in the realm of esoterica, but whose meaning is largely misunderstood in modern times. Like many symbols found in either pre-Christian religion or broader occultism and mysticism, the Black Sun is a symbol that is associated with the Nazis because it was seen to have been adapted and recuperated by the Nazis. But the Nazi association belies its true meaning, which is far broader than the Nazi use of the name. For starters, let’s get something straight: the symbol that is called Schwarze Sonne (“Black Sun”) or Sonnenrad (meaning “sun wheel”) by contemporary neo-Nazis is not actually an ancient symbol. Its design may have been adapted from an older symbol, but rather than being a symbol of a pre-Christian Germanic religion, the most likely candidate for such inspiration was probably a Merovingian ornamental disk, or Zierscheibe (“decorative disk”), simply representing the visible sun and its passage. Black Sun... The Black Sun (German: Schwarze Sonne) is a type of sun wheel (German: Sonnenrad)[1][2] symbol originating in Nazi Germany and later employed by neo-Nazis and other far-right individuals and groups. The symbol's design consists of twelve radial sig runes, similar to the symbols employed by the SS in their logo. It first appeared in Nazi Germany as a design element in a castle at Wewelsburg remodeled and expanded by the head of the SS, Heinrich Himmler, which he intended to be a center for the SS.
  • Now why do you think they won't use wikileaks?
    This was the CIA's assessment of SMARTMATIC as far back as 2006. The cable makes all the same accusations that their guests did. How can they get sued for having the same opinion as this classified briefing sent to our State Department, National Security Council and the U.S. Southern Command? Why would Fox News settle - are there more skeletons in their closet that they don't want revealed?
  • Object near the twin towers (Military Secret Space Program?)
  • Containerships... Don't forget about Evergreeen...
    Containership worker discusses how human trafficking via containers could work
  • Meteor Shower Weekend
    The Lyrid meteor shower, which began in the night sky April 15, is expected to peak Sunday evening into Monday morning, although it will remain visible until the morning of April 29. It is named for the constellation Lyra, the Harp, which is where meteors from the shower appear to emanate for observers on Earth. Categorized as medium-strength, the Lyrids are not as fast or prolific as the Perseids of August, and do not feature the long glowing tail of cartoon meteors. But at its height, the Lyrid shower should spin off 20 meteors an hour and even the occasional fireball. And unlike in some other years, a bright moon will not outshine the display — the lunar crescent will be only 9% full, offering relatively dark skies.
  • Hybrid eclipse over the ocean
    How to view this week’s rare hybrid eclipse ... A hybrid solar eclipse — the first of its kind in nearly 10 years — is on the way. During this rare celestial event, the moon will pass between Earth and the sun in such a way that people in its narrow central eclipse path, including parts of Australia, East Timor and Indonesia, will experience either an annular or a total eclipse, depending on where they are in relation to the moon. The hybrid eclipse will begin at 10:37 p.m. ET Wednesday and last until about 1:56 a.m. ET, according to EarthSky, with the greatest totality, when the moon fully covers the sun, occurring for just over one minute in Timor at 12:16 a.m. ET.
  • RFK Jr. packs the house
    Picture of a packed room for the RFK Jr. presidential announcement Most of them say that honestly, and I believe that in most cases, they’re earnest about it. Then they get into office and they become paralyzed. Some of them become co-opted by the corporations that helped them get elected. For most of these changes, you don’t need congressional support. The President can do it himself, but they never do because they don’t understand the agencies...
  • Drencrom
    "DReNCRoM" adrenochrome reference in A Clockwork Orange
  • Schwab Warriors... Would you like a Q Tip with that?
    The World Economic Forum (WEF) has announced it has recruited hundreds of thousands of “information warriors” to control the internet, policing social media and forums for “misinformation” and conspiracy content which will then be systematically shut down. According to Klaus Schwab’s WEF, misinformation on the internet is an “infodemic” that is “potentially deadly” and requires a “cure.” The definition of misinformation, according to the WEF, is any content on the internet that they disagree with. This means the WEF’s hundreds of thousands of information warriors will be engaged in the act of shutting down dissent against the globalist elite.
  • The $50k tax challenge
    Joe Banister - IRS criminal investigator - discusses the lack of lawws around income taxes
  • How many coincidences before you conclude that Satan A.I. tries to rule the world?
    Natasha & Malia Backwards Ailam ahsatan [A]i[L]am [AH]satan Remove ALAH i am satan I'm sure it's just a coincidence.
  • JFK tried to warn us...
    What do you think JFK meant by this?
  • Protect your gut biome
    Nanoparticles Found in Many Foods Could Wreak Havoc With Your Gut Microbiome... A Cornell University study published in Antioxidants provided more evidence that titanium, silicon, zinc and iron nanoparticles present in many foods and supplements may cause serious disturbances to intestinal health and function, and to the gut microbiome.
  • Ericsson pleaded guilty again...
    Ericsson paid WJC $750k in Nov 2011
  • Epstein's friends and Busch theme park designs...
    Jeffrey Epstein’s Victim Sarah Ransome Aims To Publish Videos Of The VIPs Who Sexually Harrassed Underaged Children ... As per the Daily Mail, one of Jeffrey Epstein’s victims, will soon be exposing Epstein’s notorious operations involving the sexual harassment of minors. Jeffrey Epstein’s victim disclosed that she saw several videos that the disgraced pedophile recorded in which his wealthy allies were seen having sex with a female target in order to “blackmail” her. Busch Gardens 👁🌀💈☀️💈
  • X and Osiris
    Do you know anything about Osirian Religions, what Secret Societies are made of? The Story of Osiris, Iris & Horus Do you know on what day of the year the entire Saga plays out? From birth, to death & Resurrection to the Golden Phallus? On the 17th Day. Osiris Risen “X” 👀
  • Controlling Doctors using EMR
    This is Dr. Bill Deagle a decade foretelling of the New World Order via biopharmaceutical enslavement
  • Who or What is "Q"
    VIDEO: Snowden discussing the Q group within the NSA... The Pentagon Leaks about the Ukraine war was leaked by Patriots. Q… in the words of Q... Let’s think of Q as a conscious side and an intrinsic side. Intrinsic side is the receiving of information. Conscious side the transmission of consciousness that is overseen on the planet. As an example, I am one of three people. You can call me the transmitter. There is a receiver and what you might call a ground. So there are these three individuals, me being one of them. We are in unique places, unique relationships and we do conscious transmissions to what is called a Light Vessel continuously, our entire lives. This vessel has the ability now to take where we live, in this case I’m in America, and or the globe and record consciousness, and then the ability if someone has a transceiver here, they can get as much gradual information that they want. There’s caveats to that… has to do a lot with frequencies and we can travel pretty much in any frequency in any reality and any dimension, but we do have to change our frequencies to inherit say, a body, and or the vessels location is literally right outside this frequency.
  • "X"
    What's So Fascinating About the Letter X?... What’s so mystifying about the letter “X?” For starters, the swastika X—or cross—has come to symbolize the very essence of evil. And the letter, as signified by the skull and crossbones, portrays death by poison. Yet it also represents virtue and eternal life in being employed as an abbreviation for Christ in Xmas, and for Christianity generally. Such a curious dichotomy only hints at the many convoluted complexities of a letter seemingly “designed” to beguile us with contradictory connotations. In this post, I’ll attempt the unusually challenging task of organizing the various meanings of this strangest, and most alluring, of letters. “X” may take up less space in the dictionary than any of its 23 compatriots but, in terms of its diverse uses, it’s a letter that defines, well, overcompensation. For it seems, waywardly, to want to sprawl out in every direction imaginable. As such, it rigorously resists all attempts to restrain it. X-Corporation... The X-Corporation (X-Corp) is a fictional institution appearing in American comic books published by Marvel Comics, commonly in association with the X-Men comics. This organization was created to ensure the protection of mutant rights throughout the world due to the increasing number of mutants and widespread bigotry and hate crimes against them. Twitter Isn’t a Company Anymore... In a court filing on Tuesday, April 4, Twitter Inc. quietly revealed a major development: It no longer exists. The company is currently being sued by right-wing provocateur Laura Loomer, who accused it of violating federal racketeering laws when it banned her account in 2019. Loomer has a Twitter account again, and her absurd lawsuit is bound to fail—but until it does, Twitter, as a defendant, must continue to submit corporate disclosure statements to the court. And so, in its most recent filing, the company provided notice that “Twitter, Inc. has been merged into X Corp. and no longer exists.” As the “successor in interest” to Twitter Inc.—that is, the survivor of the merger—X Corp. is now the defendant in Loomer’s suit. Its parent corporation is identified as X Holdings Corp. Retrospective: Elon Musk Buys Back X.com From PayPal... Musk stopped being CEO of PayPal in 2000 and later received $165 million for his shares in 2002 when eBay acquired PayPal. During this time, Musk also lost ownership of the X.com domain. However, DomainInvesting.com(Opens in a new window) discovered PayPal agreed to sell the domain back to Musk this month, a transaction Musk confirmed yesterday in a tweet. Twitter 'no longer exists' as company officially merges with X Corp... Journalist Laura Loomer, who is suing Twitter among other social media companies, posted a photo of a legal filing amid a series of tweets Monday that showed Twitter has merged into X Corp., which is a privately held company under X Holdings Company. Both are owned by Elon Musk, who still runs the daily operations of the social media platform Twitter. Musk has not publicly revealed the change, although he has kept a public pattern with the letter X, including the name of his child, a website he owned — X.com, before he co-founded PayPal — and the current names of his companies and products: SpaceX, and Tesla Model X. Early Tuesday morning, Musk cryptically tweeted "X," as reports of the change trended on the platform.
  • 💥War Moves - Updates (from all sides)... Will Chinese police station @ 107 East Broadway in NY reveal connections to the Bidens? 💥
    China Ran Secret Police Station In The Middle Of NYC: Feds... A nondescript building in the heart of Manhattan's Chinatown (107 East Broadway) housed an undeclared police station to monitor and discipline dissidents of the People's Republic of China, said U.S. Attorney Breon Peace and Assistant Attorney General David Newman. FBI arrests 2 on charges tied to Chinese outpost in New York City... Two men were arrested Monday on charges that they helped establish a secret police station in New York City on behalf of the Chinese government, and about three dozen officers with China's national police force were charged with using social media to harass dissidents inside the United States, authorities said Monday. The cases are part of a series of Justice Department prosecutions in recent years aimed at disrupting Chinese government efforts to locate in America pro-democracy activists and others who are openly critical of Beijing's policies and to suppress their speech. Multinational Exercise Defender 23 Kicks Off This Month in Europe ... "This annual, nearly two-month long exercise is focused on the strategic deployment of U.S.-based forces, employment of Army pre-positioned stocks and interoperability with European allies and partners," said Sabrina Singh, during a briefing today at the Pentagon. The Defender 23 exercise is led by U.S. Army Europe and Africa and has been planned since 2021. The exercise is designed to demonstrate the U.S. military's ability to rapidly deploy combat-credible troops and equipment to assure allies, deter those who would threaten the peace of Europe and defend the continent from aggression. The exercise also demonstrates the commitment of European nations to increase the scale, capability and interoperability of their own militaries. "Approximately 9,000 U.S. troops and about 17,000 troops from 26 allied and partner nations will participate and portions of the exercise will stretch across 10 different European countries," Singh said.
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