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September 19th, 2023
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  • Everything Biden... Whistleblowers accuse Joe and Hunter Biden of money laundering, human trafficking, and more...
    Biden Laptop Photos Website...
    House schedules first Biden impeachment inquiry hearing... House Republicans are set to hold the first impeachment inquiry hearing against President Joe Biden next week as Congress investigates allegations of abuse of power and corruption. Lawmakers are expected to review existing evidence and explain the inquiry's status at the scheduled Sept. 28 hearing, Just the News confirmed Tuesday. Witness testimony disputes IRS whistleblower allegations in Hunter Biden probe as Republicans begin impeachment inquiry... New testimony from a number of FBI and Internal Revenue Service officials casts doubt on key claims from an IRS whistleblower who alleges there was political interference in the federal criminal investigation of Hunter Biden’s taxes. According to transcripts provided to CNN, several FBI and IRS officials brought in for closed-door testimony by House Republicans in recent days said they don’t remember US Attorney David Weiss saying that he lacked the authority to decide whether to bring charges against the president’s son, or that Weiss said he had been denied a request for special counsel status. Those twin claims, made by IRS whistleblower Gary Shapley, form the basis of Republican accusations that the Justice Department’s investigation into Biden’s taxes was tainted by political influence and that Weiss and Attorney General Merrick Garland tried to protect Hunter Biden in the investigation. The new testimony comes as House Republicans begin an impeachment inquiry into President Joe Biden and his family, potentially undercutting one element of that effort. Hunter Biden indicted on federal gun charges... Federal prosecutors have indicted Hunter Biden, son of President Joe Biden, on gun charges, court documents show. Biden was indicted Thursday in Delaware federal court on three counts tied to the possession of a gun while using narcotics. Two counts are tied to Biden allegedly completing a form indicating he was not using illegal drugs when he purchased a Colt Cobra revolver in October 2018. The third count alleges that he possessed a firearm while using a narcotic.
  • Everything RFK Jr.
    Armed man impersonating US Marshal arrested at Robert F. Kennedy event ID’d... A man who claimed to be part of Robert F. Kennedy’s security detail β€” while carrying pistols and extra ammunition β€” was quickly detained by authorities after showing up at a California event featuring the Democratic presidential candidate, authorities said. β€œThe man, wearing two shoulder holsters with loaded pistols and spare ammunition magazines was carrying a U.S. Marshal badge on a lanyard and beltclip federal ID,” Kennedy said early Saturday on X, the social media platform formerly known as Twitter. β€œHe identified himself as a member of my security detail.” Kennedy posted an image of the man, who was wearing a black shirt with a white symbol reading β€œEmergency Medical Services.” Adrian Paul Aispuro, 44, was charged with carrying a concealed weapon and booked on $35,000 bail.
  • Everything Trump... Trump arrested - mugshot frames the drama
    Today at the All-In Summit, Elon Musk shared with the panel that the ADL was instrumental in de-platforming Donald Trump, and when his account was restored on 𝕏, they said that β€œconstituted as hate speech.” The hilarious part that Elon noted is that Trump β€œdidn't even say anything. He has to say something at least say something or post something, for there to be incremental hateful conduct.” Calling this absurd. @elonmusk believes this has to do with the β€˜woke agenda,’ and most of what these organizations do is contrary to what donors believe. The ADL's overreach is becoming more evident by the day. NO organization should be able to censor the President of the country, left or right! IS THE ADL TOO POWERFUL? Trump Asks Judge to Recuse Herself From 2020 Election Case... Former president Donald Trump filed a motion Monday asking the judge hearing his 2020 election interference case to recuse herself. The filing argues that Judge Tanya Chutkan, an Obama appointee, should recuse herself from the case, alleging she suggested elsewhere that Trump should be prosecuted and imprisoned. It cites comments Chutkan made in a case she heard in October 2022 involving a January 6 defendant, as well as a case she heard in December 2021.
  • These individuals signed the fraudulent October 2020 letter deceptively asserting that Hunter Biden's laptop was likely Russian disinformation. This falsehood significantly impacted the closely contested 2020 election, decided by a mere 44,000-vote margin in Georgia, Arizona, and Wisconsin. Why select intelligence officials who intentionally spread disinformation to sway a U.S. election for a role in a DHS Expert Group tasked with national security? Shouldn't they be losing their security clearances? House schedules first Biden impeachment inquiry hearing... House Republicans are set to hold the first impeachment inquiry hearing against President Joe Biden next week as Congress investigates allegations of abuse of power and corruption. Lawmakers are expected to review existing evidence and explain the inquiry's status at the scheduled Sept. 28 hearing, Just the News confirmed Tuesday. Retrospective: Why Biden Is Promising to Veto Bill to Abolish the IRS and Introduce One National Tax Rate if It Passes... Right now, the average price for a loaf of bread is, approximately, $1.87. Under a new law proposed by House Republicans, that price would go up to more than $2.50. This would be the result of the Fair Tax Act, a bill proposed by around 30 House Republicans. House Speaker Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.) has promised to bring it before the chamber for a vote, although he has not specified when or under what conditions. The Fair Tax Act is the latest incarnation of an idea that has bounced around for more than a generation. The proposed law would eliminate the IRS entirely and with it all federal taxes, including the income, payroll, estate and corporate taxes. In its place, Congress would enact a flat 30% sales tax on all goods and services nationwide. Argentina Spares Millions From Paying Income Tax as Vote Nears... Government announces tax exemption ahead of Oct. 22 election Move comes amid soaring inflation and runs counter to IMF deal VIDEO about the Nixon setup by the CIA... Up is down Left is right Everything you were ever told by those who control information - has been at best a complete misrepresentation , and at worst a 100% lie This has been going on for a long time. It’s time to wake up VIDEO πŸ”₯🚨DEVELOPING: I have recovered a lost PBS profile of President Obama from October, 2004. ... I can see why the media removed it, they confirmed almost every β€˜conspiracy’ about Barrack Obama while getting him prepared to run for President. Matt Gaetz: On this very floor in January, the whole world witnessed a historic contest for House Speaker. ... I rise today to serve notice. Mr. Speaker, you are out of compliance with the agreement that allowed you to assume this role. The path forward for the House of Representatives is to either bring you into immediate total compliance or remove you, pursuant to a motion to vacate the chair. I know that Washington isn’t a town where people are known for keeping their word. Speaker McCarthy, I’m here to hold you to yours. EO 14097 Authority To Order the Ready Reserve of the Armed Forces to Active Duty To Address International Drug Trafficking... By the authority vested in me as President by the Constitution and the laws of the United States of America, including the National Emergencies Act (50 U.S.C. 1601 et seq.), and in furtherance of Executive Order 14059 of December 15, 2021 (Imposing Sanctions on Foreign Persons Involved in the Global Illicit Drug Trade), which declared a national emergency to address the unusual and extraordinary threat to the national security, foreign policy, and economy of the United States posed by international drug trafficking, it is hereby ordered as follows: 118th Congress - H. R. 1122 - CBDC Anti-Surveillance State Act... To amend the Federal Reserve Act to prohibit the Federal reserve banks from offering certain products or services directly to an individual, to prohibit the use of central bank digital currency for monetary policy, and for other purposes.
  • The Spotlight: Odd Events, Change in Leadership, Public Embarrassment, Resignations, Arrests, COVID+, and Notable Deaths...
    Resignation.info... Notable Resignations Worldwide
    Zelensky Sacks Six Deputy Defence Ministers Amid Mounting Corruption Scandals... Six Ukrainian deputy defense ministers were fired Monday following the dismissal two weeks ago of Defense Minister Oleksii Reznikov in a corruption scandal, officials said, as heavy fighting continued in the east. Deputy defense ministers including Hanna Maliar, Vitalii Deyneha and Denys Sharapov, as well as the state secretary of the Ministry of Defense, Kostiantyn Vashchenko, were fired, according to the Telegram account of Taras Melnychuk, permanent representative of the Cabinet of Ministers. Melnychuk provided no explanation of the firings, but the government has been investigating accusations of corruption in the military related to purchasing equipment. Rustem Umerov, a Crimean Tatar lawmaker who took over as defense minister, did not immediately issue a statement. Mitt Romney retiring... Sen. Mitt Romney, the Republican presidential nominee in 2012 and the only member of his party to twice vote to convict former president Donald Trump in politically charged impeachment trials, announced Wednesday that he will not seek a second term in the Senate representing Utah, saying in an interview that it is time for a new generation to β€œstep up” and β€œshape the world they’re going to live in.”
  • πŸ’₯War Moves - Updates (from all sides)... πŸ’₯
    Russia operating in same zone as all U.S. and our allies in same day with Call Sign: β€˜Y’ Nope. Military Occupancy and Continuity of Government in current, bipartisan legislation in the most brilliant covert, special operation known to the world. πŸ’―πŸ¦ΎπŸŽ―πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ 9-19-23 Defense Secretary Austin and General Milley News Conference on Aid to Ukraine... Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin and Joint Chiefs of Staff General Mark Milley speak to reporters in Germany following the fifteenth meeting of the Ukraine Defense Contact Group. This was also General Milley’s last meeting before he retires. Americans Are Sleepwalking Through a National Emergency... The United States of America is facing a threat from a sometimes violent cult while a nuclear armed power wages war on the border of our closest allies. And yet, many Americans sleepwalk as if they are living in normal times instead of in an ongoing crisis. 1. Libya had no electricity bill, electricity came free of charge to all citizens. 2. There were no interest rates on loans, the banks were state-owned, the loan of citizens by law 0%. 3. Kadafi promised not to buy a house for his parents until everyone in Libya owns a home. 4. All newlywed couples in Libya received 60,000 dinars from the government & because of that they bought their own apartments & started their families. 5. Education & medical treatment in Libya are free. Before Gaddafi there were only 25% readers, 83% during his reign 6. If Libyans wanted to live on a farm, they received free household appliances, seeds and livestock. 7. If they cannot receive treatment in Libya, the state would fund them $2300+ accommodation & travel for treatment abroad. 8. If you buy a car, the government finances 50% of the price. 9. The price of gasoline became $ 0.14 per liter. 10. Libya had no external debt, and reserves were $150 Billion (now frozen worldwide) 11. Since some Libyans can't find jobs after school, the government will pay the average salary when they can't find a job. 12. Part of oil sales in Libya are directly linked to the bank accounts of all citizens. 13. The mother who gave birth to the child will receive $5000 14. 40 loaves of bread cost $0.15. 15. 25% of Libyans had all Ilisna diplomas. 16. Kadafi has implemented the world's biggest irrigation project known as the "BIG MAN PROJECT" to ensure water availability in the desert. If this is called β€œDICTATORSHIP” I wonder what democracy is VIDEO Las Vegas day 3 of cyber attack... Vegas on its knees - Caesars was hacked and paid the hackers. MGM is till down. Venezuela formally applies to BRICS... Last August 3rd, the government of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela formalized its petition to join the bloc BRICS in its efforts to join mechanisms to avoid sanctions imposed by the US and strengthen multilateral relationships in order to leverage on different mechanisms of payment as the Maduro government is still under sanctions to use the dollar and traditional international banks as Washington still has important sanctions against the Venezuelan governmental institutions. At the same time, its important to point out that other goal to pursue for the Venezuelan government is to expand its oil and energy deals with countries of the BRICS pointing to the growing demand of countries such as India, China and to leverage on the shift to renewables of countries such as Saudi Arabia or the United Arab Emirates for example, members of OPEC, of which Venezuela is member as well. Pentagon Says China, Russia Prepared To Launch Cyberattacks Against US in Event of War... A Pentagon report revealed Russia and China are poised to initiate damaging cyberattacks on U.S. critical infrastructure with the intent to β€œsow chaos and hinder military mobilization” in the event of war. The report, released Tuesday, emphasizes challenges the U.S. faces from malicious cyber actors aiming to exploit technological vulnerabilities and diminish the military’s competitive advantage. 9-11-2023: U.S. 6th Fleet Kicks off Exercise Sea Breeze 2023-3 ... Sea Breeze 2023-3 is scheduled to run from Sept. 11-15, 2023, in Constanta, Romania. This is a land and sea-based exercise with multinational Allies and Partners, aimed to enhance the capabilities of Black Sea and Partnership for Peace maritime security forces while progressively training and preparing the Ukraine Maritime Command staff. ... β€œThe main objectives of Sea Breeze 2023 are to enhance interoperability and increase the level of training amongst the participating forces, focusing on mine countermeasures with support from participating nations’ diving and Unmanned Underwater Vehicle (UUV) teams and a U.S. Navy P-8 Poseidon aircraft,” said Romanian Navy Capt. Adrian Dinca, chief of staff of the Romanian maritime component command. Elon Musk biographer WALKED BACK claim that he turned off Starlink connection in Crimea to prevent 'mini Pearl Harbor' and claims that it had never been turned on in the first place... Musk claims that the Starlink satellite system was never active in Crimea Author Walter Isaacson has admitted he made a mistake in the book New versions will have to be reprinted with a correction, publishers confirmed VIDEO The head of the Mossad threatens to eliminate all senior officials in Iran...
    Fifth Generation Warfare - PsyOps
    Ghost in the machine... The "ghost in the machine" is a term originally used to describe and critique the concept of the mind existing alongside and separate from the body. In more recent times, the term has several uses, including the concept that the intellectual part of the human mind is influenced by emotions; and within fiction, for an emergent consciousness residing in a computer. The term originates with British philosopher Gilbert Ryle's description of RenΓ© Descartes' mind–body dualism. Ryle introduced the phrase in The Concept of Mind (1949)[1] to highlight the view of Descartes and others that mental and physical activity occur simultaneously but separately.[2] VIDEO: 4th Psyop Group - AMONG THE STARS... PSYOP counters our adversaries' efforts by shaping the informational environment in support of the National Strategy. Traditional PSYOP has relied on speaker, print and radio broadcasting. Modern PSYOP has evolved and adapted into cyber space through creative and innovative technology. This technology enables interoperability between military deception, cyber operations and other information related capabilities to analyze the audience, develop the message and influence behavior.
  • Climate Change - Carbon Neutral - Hurricanes and Wildfires!!!
    VIDEO 🚨The CCP Had Satelites over Maui (LAHAINA, OLINDA, & KULA), at the EXACT same Time of the Fires!!!! ... Steve Favis, Computer Science & Advanced Robotics Expert, has compiled sufficient evidence the CCP had multiple satellites capable of an attack above Maui at the same exact time of the fires! He determined the laser would have needed to be in a wave length range to minimize scatter through the atmosphere, so a near infrared range laser would be needed to allow a more precise transmission…. And….. would have minimal reaction to the color BLUE! THE OLINDA FIRE Was ignited at approximately at 10:47pm On August 7th.β€”β€” At this Exact Time, CCP Satellite NORAD53299 was directly over this location!!!! Holy shit! THE LAHAINA FIRE Was ignited at approximately at 6:37am on August 8th.β€”β€” At this exact time CCP Satellite NORAD55836 was directly this location! HOLY SHIT! THE KULA FIRE Was ignited at approximately at 11:30am on August 8th.β€”β€” At this exact time CCP Satellite NORAD53299 was directly this location! HOLY SHIT! Steve Favis also has calculated the CCP has up to 70 Gigawatt lasers in earth orbit right now. IN ADDITION… This is not the first time CCP Satellites have been over Hawaii recently.
  • RECESSION 2022-2023: Shortages, recalls, high prices, layoffs, supply chain disasters, energy, and a record recession in the makings...
    Map of all supply chain disasters...
    For first time in history, union workers strike against all Big Three automakers... The United Auto Workers union is on strike against General Motors, Ford and Stellantis, the first time in its history that it has struck all three of America's unionized automakers at the same time. The strike came after the union made ambitious demands in wages, benefits and job protections for its members. With all three automakers reporting record or near-record profits, the union was trying to recapture many benefits they had been forced to give up more than a decade ago when the companies were cash starved and on the brink of bankruptcy. The targeted strike against three plants includes fewer than 13,000 of the UAW's 145,000 workers. But union president Shawn Fain has threatened to grow the strike if the automakers refuse to meet workers' demands. Automakers have scoffed at the union's call for large raises, a 4-day workweek and an expanded pension program among others. Beef Company CEO: β€œI’ll Shut Down the Company Before We Ship a Single Bag With mRNA-Injected Meat”... Quickly but quietly, Big Pharma, Big Food, and various state governments are working to inject beef and dairy cattle with mRNA β€œvaccines.” The practice has been happening with pork since 2018, and beef is next on the agenda. Former U.S. Marine, Jason Nelson, CEO of Prepper All Naturals, has been watching the developments closely. His Texas company, which specializes in shelf-stable freeze-dried meat for long-term storage, has vowed to never allow gene-therapied cattle to enter the food supply through their products. Georgia Governor Declares State Of Emergency, Suspends Fuel Tax... Atlanta, GA (Office of the Governor / News Release) – Governor Brian P. Kemp [Tuesday] declared a state of emergency due to the 40-year-high inflation and negative economic conditions felt by hardworking Georgians as a result of policies coming out of Washington, D.C. As part of this declaration, he is temporarily suspending the state’s excise tax on motor and locomotive fuel to provide direct relief to families throughout the state. The executive order will go into effect on Wednesday, September 13 at 12:00 a.m. and will remain in effect until 11:59 p.m. on October 12, 2023. Consumers should expect the suspension to begin impacting prices after several days. You can read Executive Order here. Explosion At Major US Food Processing Plant Leaves at Least 8 Workers Injured – Corn, Soy Processing Down... At least eight people were injured in an explosion at a processing plant in Decatur, Illinois on Sunday. Five of the wounded remained hospitalized as of Monday. The fire and explosion happened at an Archer-Daniels-Midland processing complex just after 7pm Central time. β€œADM immediately contacted the Decatur Fire Department, which remains on the scene. Several employees were injured and transported to the local hospital for treatment,” a spokesperson said. β€œOur thoughts are with our colleagues. We do not have a confirmed cause at this time.”
  • Epstein, Adrenochrome, child trafficking, pizza/pasta parties, and Playboy
    VIDEO about Playboy's darker side of social engineering, control, and blackmail... DID YOU EVER TRUST PLAYBOY? IT WAS A TRAFFICKING INDUSTRY OF UNIMAGINABLE EVIL! According to NYPD sources, files found on Weiner’s newly found laptop which he shared with his wife Huma Abedin, show evidence of a political pedophile ring operating within Washington, involving members of Congress as well as numerous top Clinton aides and insiders. According to reports, a folder on Weiner’s laptop named β€˜life insuranceβ€˜ contains explicit evidence that both Hillary Clinton and Huma Abedin helped run and cover-up a Washington pedophile sex ring.
  • UFOs, ANTARCTICA, Hollow Earth, Super Earth, Flat Earth, ETs... And more...
    All-domain Anomaly Resolution Office (AARO)... Welcome to the website for the All-domain Anomaly Resolution Office (AARO). Our team of experts is leading the U.S. government’s efforts to address Unidentified Anomalous Phenomena (UAP) using a rigorous scientific framework and a data-driven approach. Since its establishment in July 2022, AARO has taken important steps to improve data collection, standardize reporting requirements, and mitigate the potential threats to safety and security posed by UAP. We look forward to using this site to regularly update the public about AARO’s work and findings, and to provide a mechanism for UAP reporting. Thank you for visiting.
    VIDEO In 1979 a huge glowing UFO completely shut down the USS JFK which was carrying nuclear weapons.... Think logically. The military isn't exposing their own secret crafts and deactivating their own weapons. Galactic Federation is in control and they intend to be seen and documented. NASA admits they can’t identify mysterious flying objects, appoints first UFO director... NASA announced Thursday that it has appointed its first-ever director of UFOs to lead experts who’ve yet to see proof of alien spacecraft β€” but still have no idea what a number of mysterious flying objects actually are. The space agency admitted the ongoing mystery while releasing findings from a yearlong independent study into reported sightings of what are now formally referred to as β€œunidentified anomalous phenomenon,” or UAPs. β€œThe top takeaway from the study is that there is a lot more to learn,” NASA Administrator Bill Nelson said, declaring his desire to take the conversation β€œfrom sensationalism to science.” Alleged mummified alien corpses displayed at Mexico's Congress today, suspected to be 1,000 years old.... UFO enthusiasts celebrated a remarkable event today in Mexico City's Congress, led by journalist and ufologist Jaime Maussan. This official gathering unveiled two alleged "non-human" corpses. These diminutive mummified remains, retrieved from Cusco, Peru, are believed to be a thousand years old and were showcased in windowed boxes. Scientists collaborated on this event, and Maussan, speaking under oath, presented his findings to Mexican government members and US officials. He emphasized that the non-human specimens had recently undergone examination at the Autonomous National University of Mexico (UNAM), yielding DNA evidence through radiocarbon dating. Maussan says, "These specimens are not part of our terrestrial evolution. These aren't beings that were found after a UFO wreckage. They were found in diatom algae mines and were later fossilized." Do you believe it's an elaborate hoax or actual mummified aliens? VIDEO Two alleged "non-human alien corpses" were unveiled during a public hearing in Mexico's congress yesterday....
  • X - Twitter and the #TWITTERFILES... Will X be the next WeChat and more?
    Viral RFK Jr. Video Gets Deleted By β€œX”: Here’s What They Didn’t Want You to See... β€œFreedom of speech, not reach,” is taking effect more than ever as Twitter (β€œX”) regresses to its 1.0 days. Ever since Elon Musk hired CEO Linda Yaccarino, who has close ties to the World Economic Forum, things have taken a turn for the worse. And it's a big reason why your content might not be getting reach Here is how TweepCred is calculated and what you can do to improve your reputation in the algorithm: Elon Musk has found himself in a battle & potential $22 billion lawsuit w/ the ADL But who is the ADL? Are they the righteous champions against hate or should we be asking more questions? Watch below to dive into the not-so-spotless history of the ADL Elon Musk biographer WALKED BACK claim that he turned off Starlink connection in Crimea to prevent 'mini Pearl Harbor' and claims that it had never been turned on in the first place... Musk claims that the Starlink satellite system was never active in Crimea Author Walter Isaacson has admitted he made a mistake in the book New versions will have to be reprinted with a correction, publishers confirmed Tapper tried to corner Blinken to criticize Musk, and it failed. Now, he tries the same strategy with Nikki Haley, and it flops again. I start to wonder, why is CNN so adamant on attacking Elon? Then I see some of their past headlines: - Elon Musk is the gift that keeps on giving to Mark Zuckerberg. - How Elon Musk upended Twitter and his own reputation in 6 months as CEO. - Linda Yaccarino was pressed about the chaos on Elon Musk’s X. Her answers were detached from reality. - ADL chief fires back at Elon Musk for waging campaign of harassment against the group. - Twitter’s rebrand is the next stage in @elonmusk 's vision for the company. But does anyone want it? Their belief is that by repeating the same false news often enough, people will come to believe it. However, they fail to comprehend that we now have alternative media such as 𝕏 exposing their falsehoods. Is Tapper deliberately lying, or is he ignorant of the fact that he's spreading misinformation?
  • Fires Everywhere... Climate change or weather manipulation and arson?
    VIDEO 🚨The CCP Had Satelites over Maui (LAHAINA, OLINDA, & KULA), at the EXACT same Time of the Fires!!!! ... Steve Favis, Computer Science & Advanced Robotics Expert, has compiled sufficient evidence the CCP had multiple satellites capable of an attack above Maui at the same exact time of the fires! He determined the laser would have needed to be in a wave length range to minimize scatter through the atmosphere, so a near infrared range laser would be needed to allow a more precise transmission…. And….. would have minimal reaction to the color BLUE! THE OLINDA FIRE Was ignited at approximately at 10:47pm On August 7th.β€”β€” At this Exact Time, CCP Satellite NORAD53299 was directly over this location!!!! Holy shit! THE LAHAINA FIRE Was ignited at approximately at 6:37am on August 8th.β€”β€” At this exact time CCP Satellite NORAD55836 was directly this location! HOLY SHIT! THE KULA FIRE Was ignited at approximately at 11:30am on August 8th.β€”β€” At this exact time CCP Satellite NORAD53299 was directly this location! HOLY SHIT! Steve Favis also has calculated the CCP has up to 70 Gigawatt lasers in earth orbit right now. IN ADDITION… This is not the first time CCP Satellites have been over Hawaii recently.
  • Solar Storms, Space Mayhem, and Planetary Anomalies
    Solar flares live...
    NASA’s new telescope may have made biggest β€˜discovery of the century’... NASA’s James Webb Space Telescope might have made what one expert is hailing as the β€œdiscovery of the century” β€” about 744 trillion miles from Earth. A team of international astronomers have β€œfound potential evidence of life in the atmosphere of another world,” Robert Zubrin, an American aerospace engineer and advocate for human exploration of Mars, reported in the National Review.
  • NESARA/GESARA/GCR, the Earth Alliance/White Hats, Q, and the Galactic Federation updates...
    Iraq is in the US. (Possible Rate Announcement) Debt clock reached 33 trillion. The Military posted "Green Means Go" Flynn & Paxton posted "Buckle Up" C. Grassley "Corn Comms" 2 weeks ahead. Michigan bever certified 2020 election. Now all planes grounded? What Is Q?... Mass Mind Control & Manipulaton Apparatus - AI Venezuela formally applies to BRICS... Last August 3rd, the government of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela formalized its petition to join the bloc BRICS in its efforts to join mechanisms to avoid sanctions imposed by the US and strengthen multilateral relationships in order to leverage on different mechanisms of payment as the Maduro government is still under sanctions to use the dollar and traditional international banks as Washington still has important sanctions against the Venezuelan governmental institutions. At the same time, its important to point out that other goal to pursue for the Venezuelan government is to expand its oil and energy deals with countries of the BRICS pointing to the growing demand of countries such as India, China and to leverage on the shift to renewables of countries such as Saudi Arabia or the United Arab Emirates for example, members of OPEC, of which Venezuela is member as well. The Enigmatic Chinese Elders in the Global Currency Reset: White Hats Alliance, Q Global Team, GCR Conspiracy, QFS, Secret Alliances, BRICS and Illuminati Bloodline Families... In the shadowy realm of global finance, a mysterious group known as the Chinese Elders once wielded unimaginable power. For centuries, they held dominion over a vast reservoir of the world’s gold, shaping the destiny of nations by lending it for the establishment of financial systems. This article dives deep into the enigma of the Chinese Elders and their pivotal role in the upcoming Global Currency Reset (GCR). The saga of the Global Currency Reset (GCR) is nothing short of a modern-day epic, replete with mysterious figures, covert dealings, and an impending financial reckoning. At the center of this intrigue stand the elusive Chinese Elders, a conglomerate of multi-generational Chinese families who have held sway over the global financial landscape for centuries. This article seeks to peel back the layers of secrecy and shed light on the enigmatic figures that history has seldom acknowledged. "The End of Poverty, The End of Debt, The Beginning of a New Golden Age!" Prepare for a world where poverty, hunger, and debt are relics of the past, replaced by global prosperity and lasting peace for all!
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🞞🞞🞞🞞🞞🞞🞞🞞🞞🞞🞞🞞🞞🞞🞞🞞🞞 DON'T LET THEM DIVIDE US... United We Stand!!! Divided We Fall... Allow Others to Have Different Opinions... Be Considerate... Listen... Embrace Diversity... Think Positive... Don't play the role of doomsayer... Don't help to create Civil War 2022: Vaccinated v Unvaccinated - Left v Right - Q Patriots v Sheeple - Race v Race - Sex v Sex - Lower Class v Middle Class v Upper Class - Citizen v Illegal - Democratic Republic v Communism - Pharma v Nature - History v Cancel Culture - Chaos v Order - Bank v Debtors - People v Cabal - Satan v God... We are one! God Wins!!! Thought and Action Creates Reality. Choose Your Thoughts and Actions with Positive Intent.
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