BullShit News Nuclear Cover

April 2nd, 2021

“Christmas and Easter can be subjects for poetry, but Good Friday, like Auschwitz, cannot. The reality is so horrible it is not surprising that people should have found it a stumbling block to faith.” ― W.H. Auden

The Latest News, Conflicting Views, and Trending Theories

What are you missing? See the Latest Mainstream News next to Citizen Journalists and Trending Internet Theories. We recognize that there is an abundance of information and theories out there, and that conflicting views need to be presented side-by-side in order to try and find the theme behind them. Even though we like to keep things lighthearted, we are very serious about bringing transparency to the media (all news, including the fringe stuff).

The Bull
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  • <<< Who is the Deep State? >>>

    Who is the Cabal? In this 17 part series, the Cabal will be fully exposed. As time is running out, we will upload one part every week. Research and script are done... for all 17 parts. Only the editing is left. Therefore, one part per week. This Sequel is not about Q, nor Trump. It is about the Cabal. It will give you info that will blow you off your socks. Crime, murder, money laundering, cartels, high treason, all of which under your noise... Meet the Cabal.
    The Sequel to Fall of the Cabal Part 1... The Wrath of the Jesuit Council... From Weishaupt and the creation of the Order of the Illuminati to Napoleon and WWI. Follow their trail of destruction in order to know whom we are dealing with. The Sequel to Fall of the Cabal Part 2... Part 3, about the Russian Revolution, the Great Depression and WWII... all instigated by the Cabal. Through manipulating the Stock market, by pushing Cabal puppets forward , and by ruthlessly killing millions of people who stood in their way. With one goal, and one goal alone... The Sequel to Fall of the Cabal Part 3... Part 4: the Protocols of Zion...
    The Sequel to Fall of the Cabal Part 4... Part 5 ... about the Georgia Guidestones, Agenda 21, Agenda 2030, the UN, and the 'Peacekeepers'
    The Sequel to Fall of the Cabal Part 5... Part 6 ... about Henry Kissinger, Population Policy, the UN and its many NGOs, the UN Population Fund, Population Control, forced abortions & sterilizations, and Planned Parenthood and Margaret Sanger.
    The Sequel to Fall of the Cabal Part 6... Part 7: about the 5500 NGOs, connected to the UN, who do so-called charity work. Upon investigating their very own financial papers, we discovered that NGOs are nothing but the perfect business model to launder money (billions of dollars!), to avoid paying tax, and to invest in the Cabal's main target: depopulation and world dominance. Join us to peel off a few more layers of this onion, to found who the Cabal truly is!
    The Sequel to Fall of the Cabal Part 7... Part 8: Exposure of the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, their so-called philanthropy in India and Africa in the form of mass-vaccinations, one of the most favorite tools of the Cabal to roll out the Protocols of Zion and Agenda 21 and 2030. The Sequel to Fall of the Cabal Part 8... Part 9: Further exposure of Bill Gates, his obsession with genetically modifying everything he can lay his hands on, and his secret ties to the US Army. Also exposing the corruption of Tedros Adhanam Ghebreyesus, current director general of the WHO.… The Sequel to Fall of the Cabal Part 9... Part 10: Further exposure of Bill Gates, buying shares in companies active in the area of control, manipulation, censorship, human trafficking, and Adrenochrome. About Gates’ multiple visits to Epstein Island and his foolish denial, his investments in Monsanto, and his vaccination fetish... The Sequel to Fall of the Cabal Part 10...
  • <<< Fall of the Cabal >>>

    Part 1: THINGS THAT MAKE YOU GO HMMMMM... Beginning the search for the Truth, Left & Right in politics, Wikileaks, the inauguration of Donald J. Trump, and the birth of the Q-phenomenon... Fall of the Cabal Part 1... Part 2: DOWN THE RABBIT HOLE: About the Q-phenomenon, the battle for world dominance, shadow governments, the 1%, the power of the banks, the Rothchilds, the Rockefellers, and George Soros…
    Fall of the Cabal Part 2... Part 3: THE ALIEN INVASION: About the migrant caravan, George Soros, NAMBLA, Antifa, Black Lives Matter, the destabilization of the world, the importance of ?United we stand, divided we fall?. About the role of President Trump, his achievements, Fake News, human trafficking, the wall, and child trafficking for the elite? Fall of the Cabal Part 3... Part 4: CHILDLOVERS EVERYWHERE: About child trafficking, paedophile logos used by child protection agencies, adoption agencies, in Disney cartoons & movies, in Hollywood, in business and in politics. About Haiti as child trafficking island, the role of the Clintons and Trudeau? Fall of the Cabal Part 4... Part 5: CHILDREN, ART & PIZZA Looking into sexualisation of children, what passes as art and Jeffry Epstein plus more. Fall of the Cabal Part 5... Part 6: MAJOR MEDIA MANIPULATION: About the torture swimming pool of Gloria Vanderbilt, her son CNN-reporter Anderson Cooper. About fake news, media manipulation & propaganda, the CIA, Project Mockingbird, whistle blower Udo Ulfkotte, the Illusion of Choice in media land, major sponsors of Hillary Clinton & the Democratic Party. About the dangers of censorship, Media Matters for America, Correct the Record, Facebook, Google & YouTube, Snopes. About Avaaz and the use of Controlled Opposition? Fall of the Cabal Part 6... Part 7: WITCHES & WARLOCKS: About Marina Abramovic, Spirit Cooking, the Brazilian healer John of God, 8 cases of alleged suicides by hanging from a doorknob (Dolores Zorreguieta, L?Wren Scott, Chris Cornell, Chester Bennington, Tim Bergling (Avicii), Annabelle Neilson, Aaron Swartz, Kate Spade, Anthony Bourdain), the wrath of Hillary Clinton. About worshipping the devil, normalizing cannibalism, the Church of Satan, statues of Moloch. About the Dutch royal family, the Nazi connecton, Operation Paperclip, Bariloche, the Bilderberg Group? Fall of the Cabal Part 7... Part 8: BEYOND KINGS & QUEENS: About the hunting parties of the European royal families & the elite, Pizzagate, Adrenochrome, survivor accounts, the English royal family, their connection with Jeffrey Epstein, the naked boy trying to escape from Buckinham Palace, the ITCCS, Kevin Annett, 50,000 murdered Canadian children, the evidence, the sacrific of children throughout the ages, the tradition of the red shoes. About Anthony Weiner?s laptop, his Life Insurance file, blackmail, and the murder of those who speak up? Fall of the Cabal Part 8... Part 9: THE DAWN OF A NEW WORLD: About the Q-phenomenon, the Q-Anons, the Yellow Vests, the uprise & revolution of the people, the help of Q, the identity of Q and the Truth Movement. About the hints and clues by president Trump, NXIVM, the Bronfman sisters, the Dalai Lama, Frank Giustra. About red-pilling the people, draining the swamp, Hillary Clinton?s e-mail server(s), the mysterious soccer ball at Helsinki & president Putin, Barron Trump. About the stepping down of 80,000 CEOs, the assassination attempts on president Trump, about the real Russian Collusion, the Uranium One scandal, the Rosatom Deal, bribary, corruption, money laundering, pay-to-play. About Clinton?s & Obama?s high treason, the infiltration by the Muslim Brotherhood, the execution of John McCabe, the encoded flag on his coffin & Osama Bin Laden? Fall of the Cabal Part 9... Part 10: THE RETURN OF THE KING: About president Trump?s spelling errors (Covfefe, Hamberders, Smocking Gun), his hints and clues, his direct communications with the people. About a future spokesman for the US, about John F. Kennedy senior & junior, their deaths. About the clues junior left behind, the Tiffany Blue Boxes, George Magazine, Survival Guide to the Future, Vincent Fusca, Nicola Tesla, John Trump, Julian Assange. About the possibility of time travel, worm holes, parallel timelines, the mysterious books by Ingersoll Lockwood, the Ingersoll Trump pocket watch, Alice in Wonderland, Follow the White Rabbit, Future Proves Past, Q in Star Trek, the Q-continuum, Trust the Plan, WWG1WGA? Fall of the Cabal Part 10...
  • BullShift News will be providing a minimal view into the news over the holiday weekend, so that eveyone can unplug and connect with family and friends. We are highlighting some key stories from 2020 and 2021 for those who need a break from family. Check in for breaking updates or catch up on all the information you never had time to dig into. Choose a date at the bottom or from the selection drop down above to jump to previous editions by date.
  • FREE STICKER (4"x4.75"): 100 left. Get one before they're gone. We want to send you a FREE BullShift News sticker (No shipping costs for US addresses). Help other people discover the the latest news, conflicting views, and trending internet theories by proudly displaying the sticker. The QR code on the sticker will take anyone who scans it to bullshift.news E-mail us your name and address (limit one request per address), and we will send you a free sticker. And if you say "please send one for a friend," then we'll send you two stickers for free. But you should give one of them away to someone who wants it. We will not sell your info, and we promise not to spam you. We will occassionaly send an e-mail asking for your feedback. Click this link to e-mail us and include your name and mailing address to get your free sticker now. Don't forget to ask for an extra one to give to a friend.
Special Report - Holograms and Light
BullShit News Coronavirus Special Edition
Special Report - Elections and Fraud
BullShit News Coronavirus Special Edition
Special Report - Persuasion Techniques
BullShit News Coronavirus Special Edition
Special Report - COVID and Vaccines
BullShit News Coronavirus Special Edition
Special Report - the History of Money
BullShit News Coronavirus Special Edition
Special Report - United States of America
BullShit News Coronavirus Special Edition
Special Report - The Capitol Insurrection
BullShit News Coronavirus Special Edition
Coming Soon:
New World Order... Theories and Evidence
March 1st Edition on DUMB
February 11th Edition on Epstein
February 5th Edition on Myanmar
February 2nd Edition on Blockchain
Coming Soon:
CIA... History, Theories, and Declass
Coming Soon:
Global Warming... Solar Wind or Bull Farts?
Coming Soon:
Food... Is a Shortage Coming?
Coming Soon:
Q... 007s Gadget Guru or Modern Information Op?
🞞🞞🞞🞞🞞🞞🞞🞞🞞🞞🞞🞞🞞🞞🞞🞞🞞 Go message a friend. 🞞🞞🞞🞞🞞🞞🞞🞞🞞🞞🞞🞞🞞🞞🞞🞞🞞 Will the Russia - Ukraine Conflict Escalate now that the UN is involved?
Past Editions:
04/02/2021 04/01/2021 03/31/2021 03/30/2021 03/29/2021 03/28/2021 03/27/2021 03/26/2021 03/25/2021 03/24/2021 03/23/2021 03/22/2021 03/21/2021 03/20/2021 03/19/2021 03/18/2021 03/17/2021 03/16/2021 03/15/2021 03/14/2021 03/13/2021 03/12/2021 03/11/2021 03/10/2021 03/09/2021 03/08/2021 03/07/2021 03/06/2021 03/05/2021 03/04/2021 03/03/2021 03/02/2021 03/01/2021 02/28/2021 02/27/2021 02/26/2021 02/25/2021 02/24/2021 02/23/2021 02/22/2021 02/21/2021 02/20/2021 02/19/2021 02/18/2021 02/17/2021 02/16/2021 02/15/2021 02/14/2021 02/13/2021 02/12/2021 02/11/2021 02/10/2021 02/09/2021 02/08/2021 02/07/2021 02/06/2021 02/05/2021 02/04/2021 02/03/2021 02/02/2021 02/01/2021 01/31/2021 01/30/2021 01/29/2021 01/28/2021 01/27/2021 01/26/2021 01/25/2021 01/24/2021 01/23/2021 01/22/2021 01/21/2021 01/20/2021 01/19/2021 01/18/2021 01/17/2021 01/16/2021 01/15/2021 01/14/2021 01/13/2021 01/12/2021 01/11/2021 01/10/2021 01/09/2021 01/08/2021 01/07/2021 01/06/2021 01/05/2021 01/04/2021 01/03/2021 01/02/2021 01/01/2021 12/31/2020 12/30/2020 12/29/2020 12/28/2020 12/27/2020 12/26/2020 12/25/2020 12/24/2020 12/23/2020 12/22/2020 12/21/2020