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November 9th, 2023
A November to Remember
🎬 The Storm is Now 🎬

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  • A November to Remember... What will 11/9 and 11/11 bring about?
    Emergency Broadcast🚨Economic Collapse! Bo Polny... VIDEO 0:00 / 2:56 Bo Polny "Christmas In November!?!" ... Tucker Carlson visits Julian Assange (The Source) FBI raids home of New York City Mayor Eric Adams’s Fund-raising chief. Trump lawyer John Eastman (accidentally) reveals 8 subpoenaed emails: "Clarence Thomas was our only hope to stop 2020 election certification." Sam Bankman-Fried found guilty on all seven charges for operating the fraudulent crypto company FTX. New York City Mayor Eric Adams under FBI investigation for illegal foreign donations from Turkey. Rep. James Comer says the Bidens will be subpoenaed within the next few days. Multiple U.S. banks were hit by deposit delays on caused by an error at a payment processing network. Pentagon will no longer fly members of Congress and many DoD officials to Israel. Mark Zuckerberg had an injury on his foot/leg and will be wearing a medical boot. Software giant Adobe was caught selling AI-generated images of the Israel-Hamas war. Donald Trump mentions watermarks on paper ballots for the election. A new primary election has been ordered by a Connecticut state court amid alleged fraud, while Democrats in Massachusetts and New Jersey are also accused of or charged with election fraud. Zelensky invites Trump to Ukraine. Trump vehemently declines his offer. US military announces an Ohio-class nuclear-powered submarine has arrived in the Middle East. Iran calls upon the BRICS community to intervene in the Israel-Hamas conflict, using its clout and economic influence. Pfizer to lay off 781 workers in New Jersey. World Health Organization warns painful mosquito-borne disease will become a major threat this decade. Assassination attempt on Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas or Mossad psyop to divide the Palestinian government? A man with a gun (AR-15) outside the US Capitol. (Obvious false flag for diversion) Voting machines were shut down in several Pennsylvania districts due to votes getting flipped from Republican to Democrat. Internet and phone lines down for millions of Australians after what authorities are investigating as a possible cyberattack. The entire infrastructure of Australia was crippled by the outage. Head of the Pentagon office responsible for investigating UFOs will step down from his post in December. Donald Trump’s Attorney Alina Habba claims the CIA is involved In the persecution of Trump. 40 attacks have now been carried out on US troops in the Middle East since the Israeli / Hamas conflict started. Department of Defense issues nationwide advisory for all cities.
  • What happened in October?
    Red October Summary... By the end of this past October you should be able to see the bigger picture. You see the system for what it is, and whether you like it or not your life is going to change. The information being given to you was not for entertainment. It was given for you to spread, and for you to prepare yourself for what is to come. This is your life we’re talking about. You need to look deep within yourself and understand your true essence. The only person that can prepare you for the future is you. We will try our best to educate and keep you informed. Take what we share as advice and education….the truth always lies within. There will be many more battles between those who oppress and the rest of us. However, the most immediate battle and the one that never ends is the battle of your soul. This past month of October was definitely a battle of the soul. People who we thought were good turned out to be controlled opposition. Most people forget that the month of October actually started off with a terrorist attack on Turkey. Two terrorists carried out a bomb attack on October 1st outside the ministry buildings in Ankara with one of them blowing himself up while the other was "neutralized" by authorities. Putin also announced a nuclear attack simulation exercise on October 1st. On October 2nd Scientists whose work enabled mRNA injections against COVID won the Nobel prize for medicine. On October 3rd Kevin McCarthy was removed as Speaker of the House and Donald Trump flirted with the idea of becoming a temporary Speaker of the House. On October 4th it was reported that President of Ukraine, Volodymyr Zelensky was trying to recruit ISIS fighters from Iraq and Syria to join the Ukraine Armed Forces. Read more... ShadowofEzra/Jack Straw - 𝐑𝐄𝐃 𝐎𝐂𝐓𝐎𝐁𝐄𝐑 𝟏𝟎:𝟏𝟎 𝐑𝐄𝐂𝐀𝐏 October 2: United States Supreme Court rejects challenge to block Trump from 2024 ballot. October 2: North Dakota state senator Doug Larsen, his wife, and two kids were killed in a Utah plane crash. October 2: Massive human trafficking crackdown in Ohio takes 160 predators off the streets. October 3: New Florida law allowing the death penalty for adults who rape children under 12 goes into effect. October 3: Kevin McCarthy was removed as Speaker of the House. October 4: Kevin Spacey is "rushed" to hospital fearing 'heart attack' October 4: FEMA and the FCC conducted a nationwide emergency alert test on all cell phones, wireless devices radios, and TVs. October 4: Russia tests its national warning system on the same day FEMA tested America’s emergency alert system. October 4: Several school girls in Kenya were hospitalized over a mysterious illness. October 4: Former NYPD union boss and attorney Roy T. Richter was found dead by suicide at his Westchester home on his wife’s birthday after serving for 33 years. He had access to Hillary Clinton and Anthony Weiner’s laptop. October 5: Putin announces that he and his allies are "building a new world" October 5: U.S. warplane shoots down a Turkish drone over Syria. October 5: SEC sues Elon Musk to force him to testify in agency's probe of Twitter purchase. October 5: Iraq bans all cash withdrawals in US dollars. October 5: Donald Trump endorses Jim Jordan for Speaker of the House. October 7: Coordinated terrorist attacks take place against Israel. Israeli intelligence stands down. October 7: Israel declares a state of war. October 7: The world is hit by a triple earthquake as a 6.7 quake hit Papua New Guinea, Mexico endured a 6.3 shock and Afghanistan suffered strong tremors leading to thousands of deaths. October 7: Israeli National Security Council approves Ground Operations to begin in the Gaza Strip. Israel begins to bomb Gaza. October 8: Israel's security cabinet voted to invoke Article 40 Aleph, an official declaration of war for the first time since Yom Kippur war (50 years ago). October 8: US military plans to move US Navy ships and US military aircraft closer to Israel as a show of support. October 9: Israeli minister ordered to immediately cut off water supply from Israel to Gaza. October 9: Kevin McCarthy labels Iran, Russia and China as the new axis of evil. October 9: Robert F. Kennedy Jr. officially drops out of the Democratic Primary and declares Independent candidacy for President. October 9: Saudi Arabias Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman states he will stand by Palestinians. October 9: US Senator Lindsey Graham suggests USA start bombing Iran. October 9: Palestine President Mahmoud Abbas announces plans to visit Russia and meet with Vladimir Putin. October 9: Joe Biden interviewed by special counsel Robert Hur as part of classified documents probe. October 9: The Times Of Israel reports that Egypt intelligence official said Israel ignored repeated warnings of ‘something big’ three days before the attack by Hamas. October 10: Blackouts in Gaza. October 10: Russia suggests they may join the Israeli / Hamas war. October 10: Putin says Israel-Gaza conflict shows ‘failure’ of US Middle East policy. October 10: Pentagon does not rule out a "special operation" to rescue American citizens in Gaza. October 10: Israeli propaganda networks get caught spreading multiple fake stories about the war. October 10: Turkish President Erdogan accuses the United States of planning to carry out massacres in Gaza by sending aircraft carrier groups to Israel. October 10: US Congress introduces a "bipartisan bill" which would give $2 billion in aid to Israel. October 11: South Korea's Joint Chiefs of Staff says that "North Korea is preparing for the possibility of launching a surprise attack on South Korea using the same tactics as Hamas' attack on Israel" October 11: RUSSIA'S DEPUTY FOREIGN MINISTER: RUSSIA HAS SEEN INDICATIONS THAT US IS PREPARING FOR NUCLEAR TESTS IN NEVADA - IFAX. October 11: The IMF said that 30% of banks would be vulnerable if the global economy entered stagflation. October 12: The leader of Hamas just called Muslims around the world to embrace a day of global jihad this Friday the 13th. October 12: House Oversight launches investigation into Biden admin's "ongoing secret nuclear negotiations" with the Iranian regime. October 12: House COVID panel threatens Cuomo subpoena for nursing home scandal records October 13: Steve Scalise, whose donors include Bill Gates, Google, and Facebook can't secure 218 votes to become Speaker of the House October 13: AN IMF OFFICIAL IS WARNING THAT THE UNITED STATES IS ON A UNSUSTAINABLE FISCAL PATH WITH BIG DEFICITS October 13: Israel tells UN to evacuate the northern Gaza Strip within 24 hours. Still 18 days to go and then a November to remember.
  • In your face - too crazy to be true
    VIDEO "the Tuth" - Disjointed... Show called “Disjointed” was cancelled soon after this scene was broadcast.
  • IRS contracts
    VIDEO Information the IRS doesn't want you to know. ... Revocation of Election –Your Ticket Out of Tax Slavery -Jerry Day.
  • Fall of the Cabal Continues...
    The Sequel to The Fall of The Cabal - Part 28: CLIMATE CRISIS?... The Sequel to The Fall of The Cabal - Part 27: The World Economic Forum – The End of Homo Sapiens... THE SEQUEL TO THE FALL OF THE CABAL - PART 26: Covid-19: Genocide Wrapped Up... The Cabal’s torture strategy had worked brilliantly. People had become lethargic and simply failed to notice the insane amount of cases of thrombosis, pulmonary embolisms, strokes, serious heart problems, and miscarriages. People dropped dead live on TV, but all that was taken in was the ever repeating slogan: “The Covid vaccines are safe and effective…” In reality, the Covid vaccines contained a deadly poison, killing some people immediately, others within weeks or months. The combination of graphene, spike proteins, and nano-bots had been perfectly adjusted to kill millions of people, as confirmed by international tenders, alarming VAERS predictions, and the Liquefying “Bio-Sludge” Bill, legalising the spreading of human remains over crops as fertilizer. In this final episode about the Covid tragedy, we wrap up what will referred to (in future times) as the most heinous genocide in the history of mankind. THE SEQUEL TO THE FALL OF THE CABAL - PART 25: Covid-19 - Torture Program... Part 25: this is the eighth episode about Covid-19, the biggest medical scam of all times. Covid-19 was not a killer virus. The MSM was the real virus. When the CDC, NHS, and other ‘health care’ organisations did a recount of the amount of deaths truly connected to Covid-19, it turned out to be nothing more than a mild flue. How did the authorities brainwash the people into believing their lies? By means of an effective torture program, as confirmed by Amnesty International and others. Eight ways to effectively torture people into obedience had been let loose on the population. Most people succumbed. Don’t miss this episode in order to understand how the human mind works and how it could ever get to this point. THE SEQUEL TO THE FALL OF THE CABAL - Part 24: Covid-19: Mandatory Vaccinations? Time for Action!... What can you do to beat the 1%? Enjoy this proactive episode in which we show you the true effect of mass demonstrations, signed petitions, and setting up groups of warriors who are not afraid to write or call those who do not serve the best interest of the 99%. The outcome of the above mentioned methods of action may surprise you! Furthermore, we show you why Ivermectine and HCQ had to be made illegal. That was the only way to push the mandatory vaccination narrative into effect. How? Why? What’s the connection with the Nuremberg Code and Article 32 of the 4th Geneva Convention? Why is this of vital importance to know? Watch this episode several times, so you know what to say when confronted with mandatory hospitalization, lethal hospital procedures and/or mandatory vaccinations!
  • Hidden LA Oil Fields
    VIDEO Hidden Oil fields in Los Angeles... I'm sorry, but what 👀👀👀👀👀
  • Not even the godmother of vaccines can deny it
    Must Watch VIDEO - Watch the “Godmother of Vaccines” Vaccinologist Dr. Kathryn Edwards wilt before your eyes during a deposition in preparation for a vaccine injury trial. ... The issue at hand is, how can the government and its pharmaceutical company interlocutors assert their products do not cause autism, if the proper studies have never been conducted in order to prove that? Now watch “the godfather” of vaccines admit he has used orphans and the mentally handicapped to study vaccines. Aren’t these grandparents super sweet and ethical?... Gates-Funded Plan to Vaccinate 86 Million Girls Against HPV Will ‘Unleash Mass Casualty Event,’ Critic Says... An international campaign — funded in large part by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation — to inject tens of millions of young girls with the human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccine is drawing fire from critics who allege the vaccine will cause far more harm than good. Claiming the initiative will avert “over 1.4 million future deaths,” Gavi, the Vaccine Alliance announced it is investing more than $600 million to reach its goal of vaccinating 86 million girls in low- and middle-income countries by 2025.
  • Light Painting
    The Ultimate Secret Of PLAYING WITH LIGHT: LIGHT PAINTING YOUR CELLS... Imagine if you could just paint a new reality for yourself. Would that be positive or negative? How far could this painting go? Could it revolutionize all life on earth? This news heralds from 2015, but it is critical to get a cursory understanding of the technology as we enter 2022, because a New Toolkit is about to go Prime Time to the general public. This kit includes Direct Energy weapons that can paint anything into your body! More coming this week on that topic, as I expose the New Toolkit, in Dr. "Evil" James Giordano's own words from a recent conference. Changing the color of wall paint soon could be as simple as spraying the walls with water, swiping an app on a smartphone, or even just turning on the heat. A research team in China has developed a coating that relies on nano-sized cells that can be controlled to inflate or deflate, and as a result, deflect visible light in different wavelengths. Your wall, for instance, acts like a chameleon - and changes color to match the environment.
  • O.B.E.Y.
    VIDEO subliminal messaging... ... Did you see it? Big Fat Rave - Obey
  • Clone Wars
    Human CLONES purposely grown to give people 'spare parts' like hearts, lungs and livers could be the key to living forever, expert claims... Regardless of the huge strides scientists have made towards reaching the elusive goal, immortality remains a pipedream. But one researcher in the anti-ageing field believe we could get there — or at least extend human lives beyond the current biological boundaries — without any miracle pill or injection. Dr Alex Zhavoronkov, head of biotech company Insilico Medicine, says human clones could offer the answer to eternal life. Carbon Copy? Organic Robotoid? Synthetic Human? How? Well these people are/were oblivious to the crimes their beloved tender roni was involved in. However heinous these criminal acts were it has not been allowed to surface in any official police report or news agency. Sounds Sci-Fi? I know. How can they not tell that is no longer the original person? -V. Putin wife noticed. -Nelson Mandela family noticed. -OJ Simpsons mother noticed. How long has this been going on? Some say the 60-70s. This ofcourse was when the Cabal had control of the technology. They used it when you no longer wanted to play ball. Ask Jack Black. He hinted at the fact that once you make a hit movie and you try to walk away from the franchise you get replaced. This is why you see never ending movies sequels & prequels go on forever like day time soap operas. Halloween The Terminator Fast & Furious Mission Impossible Batman Scream Jurassic Park Etc. You become a political pawn. Just like Taylor Swift. Once they build you up to have influence over public discourse they will utilize your platform to steer certain political figures to your fan base to get "The Young Vote". • Why do you think political candidates pop up at concerts? (Think Stacy Abrams & Latto) • Why do you think politicians like to associate their platforms to mainstream rappers? (Think Ludacris & Kiesha L. Bottoms). • Why do you think they hold meetings with rappers instead of community leaders? (Think Barrack Obama & My Brothers Keeper Secret Meeting). Your platform now intertwined with the Democrat/Liberal Agenda. Which is why owning your masters is such a risky move. It could literally put your life in jeopardy. How? Because it's a bargaining chip that people like George Soros used to control Taylor Swift in order for her to do his bidding by getting her fans to vote for certain political candidates in order for her to get control of her music catalog again. Donald Marshall also broke this process down through many interviews. MK Ultra, Drones, Clones, Vril are all methods of mind control. You become a conduit for globalist agendas. Tila Tequila also was a celebrity that came out and corroborated what D. Marshall was saying in regards to the cloning centers that entertainers are introduced to underground. Where are they located? We'll cover that. Keep reading. Back to the first question as to how can clones mimic the behavioral patterns of the original person to come off as organic & authentic? This is how Donald Marshall explained it. Whole brain emulation (WBE), mind upload or brain upload (sometimes called "mind copying" or "mind transfer") is the hypothetical futuristic process of scanning the mental state (including long-term memory and "self") of a particular brain substrate and copying it to a computer. The computer could then run a simulation model of the brain's information processing, such that it responds in essentially the same way as the original brain (i.e., indistinguishable from the brain for all relevant purposes) and experiences having a conscious mind. This Mind uploading can be accomplished in two either methods: Copy-and-Transfer. Gradual Replacement of Neurons. Copy-and-Transfer or gradual replacement of neurons. In the case of the former method, mind uploading would be achieved by scanning and mapping the salient features of a biological brain, and then by copying, transferring, and storing that information state into a computer system or another computational device.... more...
  • Solar SUV
    ‘World’s first off-road solar SUV’ just drove across Morocco powered only by the sun... Zero-emission cars are soaring in popularity but running an electric vehicle is next to impossible in places with limited charging infrastructure. Stella Terra could change that. The khaki-green SUV uses solar panels on its sloping roof to charge its electric battery, meaning it can drive long distances powered entirely by the sun. Built by a team of students at Eindhoven University of Technology (TUE), “the world’s first off-road solar-powered vehicle” could help connect remote areas “where roads are less developed and energy grids are not as reliable,” and assist with emergency aid and deliveries, says Thieme Bosman, events manager for the team. The team tested the vehicle in Morocco earlier this month, driving more than 1,000 kilometers (621 miles) between the country’s northern coast and the Sahara Desert in the south.
  • Disney, a British Territory in Florida
    VIDEO Disney DC - British Crown territory... Disney blocks Ron DeSantis’ Florida power play with a royal family clause... The public feud between Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis and the Walt Disney Co. rages on after Disney invoked a rare legal clause based on the descendants of the British royal family. Before DeSantis could replace the Reedy Creek Improvement District board of supervisors, that Disney-allied panel signed a long-lasting development agreement that drastically limits his control. Florida legislators have balked at the new agreement, vowing to find a legal way to repeal or void the document. However, Disney says all of its conduct was legal.
  • Court Filing reveals they were aware of a potential problem prior to J6
    Judicial Watch: U.S. Capitol Police Federal Court Filing Reveals Officials Were Aware of the Potential for a Significant Disturbance on January 6... Judicial Watch announced today that it received the court-ordered declaration of James W. Joyce, senior counsel in the Office of the General Counsel for the Capitol Police, in which he describes emails among senior officials of the United States Capitol Police (USCP) in January 2021 that show warnings of possible January 6 protests that could lead to serious disruptions at the U.S. Capitol. The declaration comes in a lawsuit Judicial Watch brought under the common law right of access to public records (Judicial Watch v. United States Capitol Police (No. 1:21-cv-00401)).
  • Alternative/Natural Remedies
    VIDEO: DO YOU WANT TO CONQUER DIABETES? - Barbara O’Neill... IF YOU SUFFER F R O M COLD SORES YOU NEED TO LISTED TO THIS! WATCH-LISTEN-SHARE-FOLLOW DR. Kek!... VIDEO on types of Magnesium... DO YOU T A K E MAGNESIUM? DID YOU KNOW THERE ARE DIFFERENT KINDS? LISTEN TO THIS! 6 Secrets of Ivermectin: The Medication That Keeps on Giving... And dirty little secrets of the failed and dangerous medication that Merck promoted instead -- Molnupiravir. 1. It revolutionized veterinary medicine and arguably stabilized the world’s food supply. 2. It’s active against the FLU and RSV. 3. It reduces inflammation throughout the body. 4. Improves the gastrointestinal microbiome by boosting levels of the probiotic Bifidobacterium. read more... Two years ago, I wrote an investigative report for Trial Site News on how an essential, cheap and provenly effective drug for treating COVID-19, suddenly became blacklisted by global health authorities, whilst coming under fire from a smear campaign led by the FDA and championed by the mainstream media. My report focused on a particular group calling themselves the ‘fraud detectives’ and how they targeted clinical trials for ivermectin with the sole purpose to expose them as ‘fraudulent.’ It can be read below. From its humble beginnings, derived from an isolated bacterial culture from Japanese soil 46 years ago, to a Nobel prize-winning and anti-parasitic drug, included in the World Health Organisation’s essential list of medicines--ivermectin is one of modern science’s major success stories. However, from the onset of the pandemic, this cheap generic drug, which for decades has safely cured people of river blindness in 33 countries, with more than 3.7 billion doses administered, has rapidly become public enemy #1 for the fact-checkers when the drug was repurposed as an early treatment and prophylaxis (preventative) for Covid-19. To date, there have been 31 RCTs (Randomized Controlled Trials), 64 controlled studies, and 7 meta-analyses of the RCTs done on ivermectin. All of them found that ivermectin significantly reduced mortality and hospitalization rates as well as the risk of contracting Covid-19. In Mexico City, over 50,000 patients were treated early with ivermectin, resulting in up to a 75% reduction in hospitalization rates, compared to over 70,000 who were not treated. In Peru, a mass distribution program of ivermectin, led to a 74% drop in excess deaths within a month. Similar success stories were found in Las Pampas and La Misiones regions in Argentina. DEMENTIA & ALZHEIMER'S CURE: Fungal Infection in the Brain Produces Effects Similar to Alzheimer's... Thus, we may extrapolate that Fenbendazole, being a powerful antifungal, may quickly and permanently reverse these kinds of neurodegenerative diseases, especially since, “…mebendazole reaches the brain in biologically active concentrations…” And precisely because C. albicans has been shown to generate toxic protein fragments like amyloid beta (Aβ)-like peptides in the brain, Fenbendazole would be an especially strong candidate for potential therapeutic use in Alzheimer's treatment. I’ve covered this topic before but it continues to fascinate me so I’m covering it again and going WAY deeper! Can Ivermectin treat, stop, reverse or even CURE cancer? First, I have to give my standard disclaimer: I’m not a doctor. I’m not even a scientist. Nothing in this article has been evaluated or approved by the FDA — but let’s be honest, that probably just means you should pay EXTRA attention to it, right? Ok, we all good with the disclaimer? Ok good! Now, why am I even investigating this? Because the more I look into it, the more I find! When I first saw them come out so strong against Ivermectin, I knew it had to be pretty powerful and pretty good for humans in general! I’ve never seen such an aggressive pushback by BigPharma, so I figured it probably did more than just treat COVID19. Then I started seeing reports that it could treat cancer. And I’m not just talking about posts on Twitter or TikTok….I’m talking about peer-reviewed medical journals! VIDEO about fasting to burn damaged tissue and regenerate using stem cells that are released during fasting... H A V E Y O U E V E R THOUGH ABOUT WHAT FASTING CAN DO FOR YOU? HERE'S WHAT HAPPENS AFTER A 3 DAY WATER FAST! WILL YOU TRY IT? Batana oil, Soursop, moringa, cocolmeca bark... T H E Y DON 'T WANT YOU TO KNOW ABOUT THESE PRODUCTS! MAKE YOUR O WN PENICILLIN... THE SEASON IS COMING FOR SICKNESS ARE YOU PREPARED? There are 3 human case reports published in peer-reviewed medical journals of CANCER REVERSAL w/this mushroom. 🤯 Did your Dr. "forget" to tell you?! The mushroom is known by many names: Mesima, Black Hoof mushroom, or Phellinus Linteus. P. Linteus has been shown to powerfully enhance Natural Killer cell activity (they seek out & kill cancer). It works for Cancer likely via by boosting the immune system, so that the body can "take care of" the cancer on its own. • CASE REPORT 1: a 79-year-old man had advanced LIVER CANCER with multiple Lung Tumors that "spontaneously regressed" after taking Phellinus Linteus (Mesima) mushroom. He was on NO other treatment. After 6 months, the "tumors appeared to be in complete regression" & remained in regression. Advanced Liver Cancer is "incurable." 🤯 • CASE REPORT 2: A 68-yr-old man w/aggressive PROSTATE CANCER & multiple tumors in his bone & bladder began taking Phellinus Linteus mushroom (Mesima) after his doctors had exhausted all other options. "Suddenly" he experienced "DRAMATIC REMISSION" of his cancer. Afterward he remained healthy, w/normal PSA readings. Advanced Prostate Cancer is "incurable." 😯 • CASE REPORT 3: A 65-yr-old man, who had drank at least 7 drinks of alcohol per day alcohol for 30 years, had tumors on his liver & a Huge BRAIN TUMOR. The man "refused all recommended treatment & was discharged." He wasn't expected to survive. He began taking Phellinus Linteus mushroom (Mesima). After 10 months he felt very well & a scan revealed ALL of his tumors had shrunk Dramatically. Without treatment, his type of cancer is usually "fatal within a few months." ❗️ Some sources report that about 35 years ago, Phellinus Linteus mushroom was studied in Japan & it was reported that "it had the HIGHEST ANTI-TUMOR EFFECT AMONG ALL MUSHROOMS." The mushroom has also Dramatically reduced Many types of tumors in vivo in animal studies. In vitro & animal studies have shown P. Linteus has strong activity against: breast, colon, liver, lung, oral, prostate, & skin cancers. It's also been shown to help human pancreatic cancer patients. 🤯 Amazingly, Phellinus Linteus mushroom has additionally been shown to have POWERFUL antioxidant & anti-inflammatory benefits, with impressive effects on diseases such as: • Diabetes • Rheumatoid Arthritis • Allergies • Even H5N1 influenza virus! 🤯 Incredible Safety Profile: animal studies suggest the mushroom is likely to be extremely safe, even at massive doses. Human studies have also shown it to be very safe & usually without side effects. 😯 In short, Mesima (Phellinus Linteus) has AMAZING potential for Cancer, & much more! In case the news keeps on "forgetting" to share this info...LET PEOPLE KNOW! VIDEO Structured Water... YOU CAN CREATE Y O U R O W N STRUCTURED WATER! HERE'S HOW WILL YOU MAKE IT? VIDEO IF YOUR CONCERNED ABOUT P A R A S I T E S... EAT A TABLESPOON OF PAPAYA SEEDS A DAY FOR 10 DAYS IT WILL NATURALLY REMOVE THOSE BASTARDS! VIDEO: IF YOU SUFFER F R O M A THYROID ISSUE KNOW T H AT YOU CAN C U R E IT NATURALLY!... If you think Big Pharma had good reasons to censor ivermectin during COVID-19 how about now when we know it is likely effective against all chronic diseases associated with aging? ARE YOUR LUNGS DAMAGED FROM 🔴ALLERGIES 🔴ASTHMA 🔴YEARS OF SMOKING 🔴SICKNESS CHEST CONG. 🔴WEEZING HERE ARE SOME GREAT R E M E D I E S FOR YOU! START HEALING N A T U R A L L Y PLEASE SHARE Know what makes your body hoard aluminum? Fluoride. FENBENDAZOLE and CANCER - at least 12 Anti-Cancer mechanisms of action. Not approved by FDA. Cheap. Safe. Kills aggressive cancers. Why no Clinical Trials? Nine research papers reviewed...
  • What's really coming across the border?
    DAN MCLAUGHLIN: Are they for real? Deluded mayors demand $5 billion from taxpayers to fix a migrant crisis THEY welcomed to their 'sanctuary cities'! Does their America-hating hypocrisy know no bounds?... Over 300,000 of them have crossed our open borders. They are trained to take out electric grids, poison water supplies, attack our railways and main highways. Headline: Trucker dies when Colorado bridge carrying coal train collapses on I-25–A BNSF train carrying coal came off the tracks north of Pueblo, and the interstate is expected to be closed for an extended time… VIDEO "This town has been COMPLETELY invaded!"... Biden admin waived 26 federal laws to build new section of border wall ... Twenty-six federal laws were been swept aside for the new section of border wall to be built in Texas’ Rio Grande Valley. The laws waived by the Biden administration are all designed to protect wildlife and public health. They include: the Clean Air Act, Safe Drinking Water Act, Endangered Species Act, Solid Waste Disposal Act, Farmland Protection Policy Act and Native American Graves Protection and Repatriation Act. An analysis of the plans by The Post shows Starr County where the wall is being built continues up to a wildlife preserve, close to farmland which could be polluted, and weaves around small towns which will likely be affected by the construction.
  • X - Twitter and the #TWITTERFILES... Will X be the next WeChat and more?
    VIDEO Elon Musk tells Joe Rogan: “The degree to which Twitter was simply an arm of the government was not well understood by the public. It was a state publication. Republicans were suppressed at ten times the rate of Democrats.”... Once you see it, you can’t unsee it. @CommunityNotes requires people with historically different points of view, based on how they have rated and written Notes, to agree in order for Notes to be shown to the public. All code and data is open source, so you can recreate the outcome yourself. Crucially, even I, as the controlling shareholder of the company, cannot change the outcome of a Note. This is an extremely fundamental difference. Deus ex machina... Deus ex machina is a Latin calque from Greek ἀπὸ μηχανῆς θεός (apò mēkhanês theós) 'god from the machine'.[7] The term was coined from the conventions of ancient Greek theater, where actors who were playing gods were brought on stage using a machine. The machine could be either a crane (mechane) used to lower actors from above or a riser that brought them up through a trapdoor. Aeschylus introduced the idea and it was used often to resolve the conflict and conclude the drama. The device is associated mostly with Greek tragedy, although it also appeared in comedies.[8] Elon Musk: …Deus ……𝕏 Machina...
  • Tucker talks
    TIMESTAMPS: (00:17) Glenn Greenwald joins (05:41) Will the Ukraine War Hawks ever apologize? (07:25) Using foreign wars to punish Americans (10:00) Free speech hypocrisy (18:18) Biden’s awful poll numbers (21:31) Liberal media turn on Biden (25:09) 2024 predictions Tcuker Carlson Ep. 35 Start another war, send millions more anti-Western refugees to the West. Starting to notice a pattern?... Tucker Carlson Ep. 34 Of all of Biden’s crimes, backing the Ukrainian government as it throws priests in jail may be the most revealing.... Tucker Carlson Ep. 33 Looks like we’re actually going to war with Iran. Are we ready for this?... "The Whole George Floyd Story Was A Lie": Tucker Carlson... According to Carlson, we need to revisit certain popular narratives, including the circumstances surrounding Floyd's death - and in particular, inconsistencies between public perception - that Floyd died under the knee of former officer Derek Chauvin, who's currently serving more than 40 years in state and federal sentences. "Did, for example, a racist white cop actually murder a man called George Floyd, a civil rights leader in Minneapolis on Memorial Day of 2020? Now we've been told that that happened, told it relentlessly for more than three years," Carlson says, adding "But the question is, did he [Derek Chauvin] actually murder George Floyd? And the answer is, well, no, he didn't murder George Floyd, and we're not guessing about that; we know it conclusively thanks to a new court case now underway in Hennepin County, Minnesota." The lawsuit, incidental to Floyd and Chauvin, unveiled sworn deposition excerpts from a conversation with County Medical Examiner Andrew Baker, indicating that Floyd's passing was not due to asphyxiation or strangulation. Instead, factors including drug use and a fatal concentration of fentanyl were significant contributors, reframing his demise from the widely publicized 'murder' to an inadvertent overdose. Tucker Carlson Ep. 30 What's happening at the southern border isn’t just an invasion, but a crime. The politicians and NGOs responsible for it are criminals, who should be punished accordingly....
  • NESARA/GESARA/GCR, the Earth Alliance/White Hats, Q, and the Galactic Federation updates...
    Dave XRPLion - Redemption Center & Zim Bond: Biggest & Most Important Update Ever - We Never Expected This - Must Watch-Trump News... REDEMPTION CENTRE’S – ZIM BONDS/RV & EXCHANGE UPDATE: 9 STATIONS CHECKLIST, ETC. Dark forces control institutions. Light forces control ascension. Good doesn't pretend to be evil. It's a morality test. Tribulation isn't a white hat show. Evil isn't defeated, it's left behind. Blood Money Episode 55 w/ Austin Steinbart "World War III is coming and it will destroy America"... BOOM! The Intrigue of the $100T Zim Bonds: Unmasking the Secrets of the Redemption Center... In an evolving financial landscape, one burning question continues to captivate minds and kindle debate: “Are all $100T Zim Bonds presented for exchange at the RC going to be fully paid without any restrictions?” Moreover, whispers of a mysterious 3-page Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA) have further fanned the flames of this fiery discourse. Let’s dive deep into this intricate web of finance, diplomacy, and secrecy. The Heart of the Matter Over the years, the $100T Zim Bonds have become a symbol, not just of economic transformation but also of the myriad complexities inherent in international finance. From passionate investors to casual observers, everyone’s trying to unravel the real story. Now, we need answers. VIDEO of Austin Steinbart - Logic and reason aren't a strong-suit for most... ... 1) Nancy Pelosi is no longer Speaker of the House 2) Kevin McCarthy is no longer Speaker of the House 3) We have free speech again on the biggest political public square (X) 4) Federal Appeals Court has blocked Federal agencies from coordinating censorship with Big Tech 5) The Trump indictments have completely backfired and he’s leading everyone in almost every poll 6) Republicans have highest polling support as a party in 3+ decades 7) NY Gov and Mayor calling for an end to illegal alien invasion 8) Joe Biden is going to start rebuilding the Wall 9) Ukraine funding is all but dead 10) Roe v. Wade overturned 11) Affirmative action is illegal 12) SCOTUS confirmed right to carry conceal 13) Election reform being passed in dozens of states 14) Mitch McConnell is running out of runway 15) BLM has been exposed as a scam and Democrat mayors are finally calling to hire more police It’s a long, ugly fight to take back America, but we are making HUGE progress🫡🇺🇸 VIDEO Red October... We will be liquid…. It’s time, at last…. Unbelievably incredibly exciting times…. BOOM! GESARA, QFS, GCR/RV, ISO 20022, BASEL III, Protocol QFS 20, and DINAR are components of the New Financial System. Everything Is Related!... From the smoldering ashes of the old system, a phoenix of financial revolution is rising. We are amidst a potent paradigm shift, leading us from the confines of the known to the thrilling embrace of a new age – the Great Awakening to Unity Consciousness. It’s not just about currencies, regulations, or protocols. It’s about us – you, me, and our collective dream of a golden age beyond our wildest imagination. The QFS Debit Card Revolution is Here! How GESARA’s Latest Update Could Completely Overhaul the Future of VISA and Mastercard!... In the ever-evolving world of finance, a seismic shift is underway. The very foundation of our global economic system is being shaken, and the tremors are being felt by every individual, institution, and nation. But what’s really happening behind the scenes? Let’s dive deep into the murky waters of this financial transition. First and foremost, the age-old question: Will our beloved VISA or Mastercard still be relevant? The Alliance, that shadowy group of power players, is hard at work. They’re not just sitting around; they’re restructuring the entire VISA or Mastercard framework to align with the QFS debit card. And guess what? They will succeed. Why? Because the merchant fees associated with VISA, Mastercard, and other cards will soon be a thing of the past. That’s right, no more exorbitant fees! But there’s more. The bane of credit card companies and the constant threat of stolen cards and fraud will be eradicated. The QFS system is not just a financial tool; it’s a fortress. It promises to eliminate all fraudulent activities, including the ever-looming specter of identity theft. With QFS, our financial security is guaranteed. As we transition to Q phones and Quantum computers, the Paymasters will be our guides, illuminating the path forward. The Galactic Federation. Helping to Achieve a Higher Consciousness... The Galactic Federation - On many of my meditational journeys I mention my travels to meet with my spirit guide Tygon, the Arcturian, and the Galactic Federation. Many people may not know what the Galactic Federation is or that it even exists. Today's blog is going to be an introduction to the Galactic Federation. The Galactic Federation is an alliance of extraterrestrial civilizations within the Milky Way. The first revelation that this Federation exists was through the channeling of Sheldan Nidle. Former Israeli space security chief, Haim Eshed, said that people on Earth have been in contact with the Galactic federation. He stated that the Federation believed humans were not ready to know of their existence. He stated that agreements had been signed between species and there was an underground base on Mars occupied by humans and aliens... more
  • 💥War Moves - Updates (from all sides)... 💥
    Brighteon Broadcast News, Nov 7, 2023 - Gaza being exterminated to make way for lucrative Ben Gurion CANAL that will cut across Israel to the Red Sea... Israel is no longer protected as a sovereign state. Barrack Obama (2.0) has shown no support for Israel. It is being isolated. Turkey is now preparing to send their military to Gaza. Erdogan is the one capable of destroying Israel. Remember, Bibi Netanyahu has already pulled diplomats out of Turkey. They are not on good terms. Why? Because Erdogan & Putin have been doing trade talks. Turkey is already preparing to report Netanyahu to the ICC. Even Ana from "The Young Turks" is opposing what Israel is doing. You need to keep in mind. Donald Trump offered Bibi Netanyahu the opportunity for peace talks. Guess what? Netanyahu declined. People look at your current environment. Banks are collapsing. Countries are dumping the USD. The Middle East no longer accepts it in oil contracts. Subpoenas are going out to the Biden family. Do you understand how desperate the Cabal is right now? Do you actually think we will make it out of this month without something drastically happening that will change the course of this country? Think about what D. Trump said prior to his statements about November being historical. He said back in late September that he planned on taking the country back in less than five months. Before the primaries. Then he stated a week ago how November will have a big event that will save the country. So no, he is not talking about next year. The environment we are in right now will not allow it. Remember, "Israel For Last"? ~Think VIDEO Cease fire now demonstration at Statue of Liberty... Stopping bloodshed in Gaza is Türkiye's duty: President Erdogan... It is Türkiye's duty to stop the bloodshed in Gaza, President Recep Tayyip Erdogan said on Sunday. Speaking at a local inauguration ceremony in the northeastern Rize province, Erdogan said that Türkiye has an obligation to "save Palestinians from Israel's oppression." "It is our duty to stop the bloodshed in Gaza, which is being carried out in front of the very eyes of the international community," he said. "We are doing and will continue to do more than what is visible," Erdogan said, implying Türkiye's efforts for Palestinian people. Türkiye will never leave its brothers and sisters in Gaza alone, he promised. Saudi Arabia condemns Israeli official's statements on using nuclear weapon on Gaza... Saudi Arabia on Sunday strongly condemned “extremist statements” made by a Cabinet minister in the Israeli occupation government seemingly opening the door to the use of a nuclear bomb on the besieged Gaza Strip. "The failure to immediately dismiss the minister from the government and merely suspending his membership reflects the utmost disregard for all human, ethical, religious, and legal standards by the Israeli government," said the Saudi Foreign Ministry, according to the official Saudi Press Agency. Earlier, on Sunday, Heritage Minister Amichai Eliyahu said that “one of Israel’s options in the war in Gaza is to drop a nuclear bomb on the strip,” The Times of Israel reported. In a radio interview, Eliyahu also “voiced his objection to allowing any humanitarian aid into Gaza.” Israel admits airstrike on ambulance near hospital that witnesses say killed and wounded dozens... VIDEO of Gaddafi speaking about JFK's insistence on monitoring the nuclear output from the Dimona plant in Israel and suggesting this is why he was murdered.... What did Gaddafi Say about John F. Kennedy and his knowledge about Israel having nuclear weapons? VIDEO Tunnels in Israel... This man was offered 40 million dollars by the Israeli government for his restaurant which has tunnels that lead to the Al-Aqsa mosque. Israel’s “Third Temple”, which will be built atop the ruins of Al Aqsa Mosque after they destroy it. Israel will receive 14 Billion in fiat valueless money that will go nowhere. How? EO 13818. You forgot? Guess who is under investigation for "War Crimes Against Humanity"? Bibi Netanyahu. "If the war expands any further, we cannot say that Israel would lose, because nothing will remain of Israel to be described as loser or winner” Iranian Deputy Foreign Minister Ali Bagheri Kani: Iranian proxy forces have targeted Israeli positions, demanding a halt to Israel's actions in Gaza Experts believe that while there's concern about the conflict expanding, Iran's intervention would be costly Source: Washington Examinar Top White House Adviser Issues Warning on Wider War... A top White House national security adviser on Sunday said the United States sees an "elevated risk" of the Israel–Hamas war widening into a regional conflict. "We are vigilant, because we are seeing elevated threats against our forces throughout the region and an elevated risk of this conflict spreading to other parts of the region. We are doing everything in our power to deter and prevent that," U.S. national security adviser Jake Sullivan told CBS’ “Face the Nation” on Sunday. It comes as the United States carried out multiple airstrikes against assets in Syria, reportedly targeting Iran-backed militia groups. Earlier this month, U.S. troops came under attack in both Iraq and Syria, although officials have not disclosed who was behind the attacks. VIDEO examining the defense budget compared to previous years... Prepare for WW3 - "10% increase on 800 billion dollars is massive" VIDEO discussing Israel Paalestine misconceptions... This video is a 10/10. Who is she? I want to express my gratitude and admiration for her. One of the best videos I’ve seen. VIDEO 🇮🇱🇵🇸 The power of those missiles, and the speed in which a building can be taken down, is hard to imagine.... Over 8,000 of those missiles have been dropped on Gaza since Oct 7. REPORT: Over 12,000 US Troops Aboard 10 Warships Advance to Middle East... Amid the escalating tensions in the Middle East, over 12,000 personnel from the US Navy and Marine Corps aboard ten warships have either reached or are en route to the Eastern Mediterranean, as reported by Nikkei Asia, citing data from the US Navy. On Saturday, Defense Secretary Lloyd J. Austin III announced a series of actions aimed at bolstering the United States’ military presence in the Middle East. The USS Dwight D. Eisenhower Carrier Strike Group has been redirected to the Central Command area of responsibility. This move is in addition to the Navy’s largest and most advanced nuclear aircraft carrier, USS Gerald R. Ford Carrier Strike Group, which is currently operating in the Eastern Mediterranean Sea. The USS Dwight D. Eisenhower Carrier Strike Group now joins the earlier dispatched USS Gerald R. Ford group, elevating the tally of American warships in the region to 10. The US aircraft carrier Gerald R. Ford has over 4,500 sailors on board, accompanied by five other ships carrying over 1,600 additional service members. The aircraft carrier USS Dwight D. Eisenhower has 5,000 service members aboard, with three accompanying ships carrying another 1,000 service members. He who controls the Black Sea will win this war. IDF has not released any images as of yet. VIDEO "American aircraft carriers stationed in the Mediterranean Sea are within the range of Russian airborne hypersonic missiles in the Black Sea." - Vladimir Putin... VIDEO 🚨BREAKING FOOTAGE: The Director of the Bombed Al-Ahli Hospital Speaks On Bombing: "The IDF told us, 'we warned you yesterday with two bombs. So why have you not evacuated the hospital until this moment?'"... Full Video Transcript: "To tell them and to the whole world, today, this enemy who is threatening those hospitals under the hearing and sight of the whole world, who did not move, nor did it take deterrent measures, nor did it take decisive measures against this enemy. Rather, the enemy was receiving a message of reassurance and a message of permission to bomb hospitals. This was completed on this day in this brutal massacre, the likes of which we rarely hear in the present world, but rather hear about in the Bygone eras that tell stories of the brutality and fascism represented today by this occupation." Marine Corps Veteran expert analysis of the recent bombing incident at the hospital reveals critical findings:- Fuel Explosion Duration: The initial explosion likely lasted 0.5-0.75 seconds, emitting light for a brief period. This suggests it is not an incendiary device. - Parking Lot Damage: The damage in the parking lot is attributed to either overpressure or a fuel explosion. There's minimal debris near the cars. - Shielding Effect: A surrounding building shielded one side of the parking lot, preventing diesel/gas fires from reaching the vehicles. All windows in nearby buildings shattered due to the primary and fuel explosions. - Last Video Variation: The final video displays a smaller fuel explosion, and the submunition release is less clear. CONCLUSION: - The explosive device likely ranged from 300-600 lbs. Larger bombs would've scattered more debris in the parking lot than on buildings. - A 700lb+ bomb would've caused more damage to building tops due to shockwaves. - Most visible damage is attributed to the fuel explosion; the primary explosion likely caused structural damage. Probable munitions and their possessors: 1. Mk-82/Mk-83 General Purpose Bombs: - Possessed by: Multiple countries, including the US and NATO members. Versatile, unguided bombs. 2. GBU-39 Small Diameter Bomb (SDB): - Possessed by: United States and allies. Known for precision strikes. 3. GBU-12 Paveway II Laser-Guided Bomb: - Possessed by: United States and allies. Converts unguided bombs into precise munitions. 4. AGM-65 Maverick Missile: - Possessed by: United States and allies. Air-to-surface missile for precision strikes. Audio Analysis: Based on the video, we can hear what the Hamas missiles and a JDAM missile sound like. Then, we have the audio of the attack on the hospital, and it sounds very similar to a JDAM missile. Hamas does not have the infrastructure and capabilities to fire a JDAM. These insights offer clarity into the incident, highlighting potential munitions and the militaries that may possess them, and that could have been behind the attacks. FINAL CONCLUSION: Based on the evidence, this could not have been the Islamic Jihad, as claimed by the Israeli Defense Force, based on our analysis of the information we have so far. They do not possess the capabilities for such advanced weaponry. IMPORTANT DISCLAIMER: This is an analysis is preliminary, and is done by a Marine Corps Veteran Explosives & Ordinance Expert, and reviewed by many others. As I've said before, we CANNOT come to final conclusions just yet. The IDF has denied the above claims, and has stated it shared evidence with US Intelligence, including footage and intercepted conversations, that will prove the Islamic Jihad were behind the bombing of the Al-Ahli Baptist Hospital. This footage and the conversations will also be made public, according to Reuters. The videos are compiled from various sources and do not represent our opinion in any way. If you fail to realize over and over after all these years that globalist, foreign intelligence services, ruling bloodlines and self prescribed elitists and their agenda for global domination are to blame, then you are the problem. Stop picking sides because your political party, Church or favorite media guy said this side loves our God, start playing for team humanity and wake the fuck up. VIDEO British Culture isn't just owned by the Ight Man - Unity between Black and White - Power in Numbers... Imagine an army of men like this guy Gaza’s Health Ministry says Israel killed over 500 people in a targeted strike on the Ahli Arab hospital. ... Initial estimates had the death toll at 200-300. These are scenes from immediately after the Israeli strike. No rockets reached Haifa. High probability these hit the hospital and set off secondary explosions within building. VIDEO The moment the Israeli Air Force struck the Al-Ahli Baptist Hospital in the Gaza Strip a few minutes ago.... Deaths so far: 500+, some reports claiming it's 900+ 10-17 Pro-Hamas protests have erupted across the Middle East.... Oh wait, this is Dallas, Texas. 😳 𝘛𝘩𝘪𝘴 𝘪𝘴 𝘰𝘯𝘦 𝘰𝘧 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘮𝘰𝘴𝘵 𝘐𝘔𝘗𝘖𝘙𝘛𝘈𝘕𝘛 𝘷𝘪𝘥𝘦𝘰𝘴 𝘸𝘦 𝘩𝘢𝘷𝘦 𝘦𝘷𝘦𝘳 𝘮𝘢𝘥𝘦 - We are challenging the narrative that 250 innocent civilians were "slaughtered" at the music festival. ... We do not challenge this narrative to deny that civilians were killed or to belittle the suffering that has taken place. but rather to break the 'atrocity propaganda' that has been spun in order to justify the ongoing massacre taking place in Gaza Many Americans currently support the Israeli response because they believe the lies that babies were beheaded and that concert goers were raped, tortured, and slaughtered. We need to break this narrative immediately and call for a ceasefire to prevent more human suffering on both sides Join us in this mission by spreading this video EVERYWHERE sidenote: do you notice how many asterisks and audio cut outs we had to use in order to avoid censorship? We are forced to stutter like Joe Biden because Instagram TikTok and other platforms are completely banning our content and silencing our voices. Lastly, we sourced our video content and the sequence of events form the New York TImes article. After watching our video, read the article and watch their content to make up your own mind about what really happened on that day. Keep in mind that the concert was not meant to be held so close to the base and the location of the event was set just the night before. There's no way the militants knew the event was happening. MOST IMPORTANTLY THIS IS NOT A JUSTIFICSTION OR ENDORSEMENT OF THE VIOLENCE THAT TOOK PLACE WE CONDEMN ALL VIOLENCE F*** VIOLENCE VIDEO Israeli soldiers "undoubtedly" shot Israeli civilians, survivor of kibbutz raid says in explosive interview. ... Israeli forces "eliminated everyone, including the hostages,” said Yasmin Porat, who had fled the nearby Nova rave. VIDEO CONFIRMED: Netanyahu ordered the Israeli military to STAND DOWN for 7 HOURS during the Hamas invasion. ... I sat down with Jewish Charity leader, Cecily Routman, who received intel directly from her Israeli Rabbi and other top level government sources. While I do not agree with equating the Palestinians to “rabid dogs”, I understand why Israel wanted Gaza completely wiped from the face of the earth- they only needed a reason to do so, or else the UN would have intervened due to the war crimes and genocide. It wouldn’t be the first time a nation’s leaders sacrificed their own citizens to start a war. Maybe it really is Israel’s 9/11. I'm fine': Tragic final words of Palestinian boy Wadea Al-Fayoume, 6, who was killed for being Muslim: Landlord is charged with stabbing him 26 times with 12-inch serrated knife... Landlord Joseph M. Czuba, 71, was charged with a hate crime after 'brutal attack' Wadea Al-Fayoume was stabbed 26 times by the landlord His mother, Hanan Shaheen, was also attacked but survived and is in hospital The United States military gets ready to deploy seven naval fleets... (X account suspended) VIDEO RAPTURE: Israel...TRUMPETS EVERYWHERE...
    Fifth Generation Warfare - PsyOps
    Ghost in the machine... The "ghost in the machine" is a term originally used to describe and critique the concept of the mind existing alongside and separate from the body. In more recent times, the term has several uses, including the concept that the intellectual part of the human mind is influenced by emotions; and within fiction, for an emergent consciousness residing in a computer. The term originates with British philosopher Gilbert Ryle's description of René Descartes' mind–body dualism. Ryle introduced the phrase in The Concept of Mind (1949)[1] to highlight the view of Descartes and others that mental and physical activity occur simultaneously but separately.[2] VIDEO: 4th Psyop Group - AMONG THE STARS... PSYOP counters our adversaries' efforts by shaping the informational environment in support of the National Strategy. Traditional PSYOP has relied on speaker, print and radio broadcasting. Modern PSYOP has evolved and adapted into cyber space through creative and innovative technology. This technology enables interoperability between military deception, cyber operations and other information related capabilities to analyze the audience, develop the message and influence behavior.
  • Everything Biden... Whistleblowers accuse Joe and Hunter Biden of money laundering, human trafficking, and more...
    Biden Laptop Photos Website...
    National Archives Uncovers 82,000 Private Emails Sent by Former VP Biden Under Pseudonyms... In response to legal pressure, the National Archives has uncovered 82,000 pages of emails sent or received by Vice President Joe Biden on three private pseudonym accounts during his tenure as vice president, according to a federal court filing reported by Just the News on Monday. This amount potentially dwarfs the amount that landed Hillary Clinton in ‘hot water’ a decade ago, investigative reporter John Solomon noted.
  • Everything Trump...
    Bombshell: Trump had active security clearance when Jack Smith indicted him in documents case…... The sham classified documents case that Jack Smith is spearheading against President Trump has encountered a couple of very significant setbacks in recent days—setbacks so severe that they have the potential to derail the entire case. President Trump says he has evidence that the Biden administration colluded with various federal agencies to arm Jack Smith with the ammunition for his indictment. Furthermore, he has disclosed an additional bombshell that could once again shake the foundation of the case. 11/8/2023 - President Trump in Hialeah, FL ... VIDEO Trump attorney @AlinaHabba speaks outside NYC courthouse.... Trump ‘does not have the right to say and do exactly what he pleases,’ Judge Chutkan says, issuing gag order... A federal judge on Monday issued a gag order on former President Donald Trump, limiting what he can say about special counsel Jack Smith’s federal prosecution into his alleged attempt to subvert in the 2020 presidential election.
  • Politics
    The Clown Show!
    List of Executive Orders...
    2019 Lawsuit settlement leads to Pennsylvania agreeing to publicly report voting machine problems - Just Went into Effect August 2023 😎 ... HUNDREDS of secret reports show how @DHSgov’s @CISAgov, The GEC (@StateDept), @Stanford and others worked together to censor AMERICANS before the 2020 election, including true information, jokes, and opinions. 🧵 THREAD: THE WEAPONIZATION OF “DISINFORMATION” PSEUDO-EXPERTS AND BUREAUCRATS: HOW THE FEDERAL GOVERNMENT PARTNERED WITH UNIVERSITIES TO CENSOR AMERICANS’ POLITICAL SPEECH... Interim Staff Report of the Committee on the Judiciary and the Select Subcommittee on the Weaponization of the Federal Government U.S. House of Representatives November 6th, 2023 Government Faces Another Shutdown Deadline of Nov. 17... Another government shutdown is looming in Washington. The deadline is Nov. 17. Bloomberg's Annmarie Hordern reports on how the new House Speaker Mike Johnson is trying to get a stopgap measure in place. (Source: Bloomberg) “The volume of ballots so mishandled is such that it calls the result of the primary election into serious doubt and leaves the court unable to determine the legitimate result of the primary,” Clark wrote in his ruling, adding that the videos “are shocking to the court and should be shocking to all the parties.” Shocking moment Connecticut local election worker is 'caught ''ballot stuffing'' during Democratic mayoral primary race'... A Connecticut judge has ordered a redo of the Democratic primary in Bridgeport after obtaining shocking footage of alleged illegal ballot box stuffing. Surveillance video shows several people appearing to shove stacks of ballot papers into drop boxes at several locations across the state's largest city. Superior Court Judge William Clark said he had seen enough evidence to order a rerun of the September 12 primary in which incumbent Mayor Joe Ganim defeated challenger John Gomes by a narrow 251 votes out of 8,173 cast. Biden's $106 billion bid Raises Alarms over possible Pre-Planned Palestinian Displacement into Egypt. Biden has submitted a request for an additional $106 billion in financial aid to Gaza's displaced residents & Ukrainian refugees, with a section of the proposal causing significant concerns. While the funding aims to assist refugees and humanitarian efforts in Israel, one specific aspect of the request has garnered attention: - On page 40, the request includes a provision to allocate funds for the support of civilians affected by ongoing conflicts, specifically mentioning Palestinian refugees in Gaza and the West Bank. - What raises alarm is the reference to potential cross-border 'displacement' and 'asylum', suggesting that these funds are to be used for such purposes. - The concern is that the request may basically guarantee the forced Palestinian displacement to Egypt. It calls into question the stance of the Egyptian government and the potential consequences on Palestinian sovereignty. It's important to note that in a phone call with Biden, the Egyptian President made it clear "Egypt will not permit the displacement of Palestinians from Gaza into its territory" Three-Stage Relocation Plan: Israel's Minister of Intelligence, Gila Gamliel, has also authored a controversial proposal that has raised concerns regarding its potential impact on the Palestinian population in Gaza. - Establishment of Tent Cities in Sinai: Minister Gamliel's plan begins with the creation of temporary tent cities in the Sinai Peninsula, specifically located southwest of the Gaza Strip. These tent cities serve as an initial relocation solution for Palestinians in Gaza. - Humanitarian Corridor Implementation: The second stage, often referred to as the "humanitarian corridor," focuses on facilitating the movement of Palestinians out of Gaza. This stage aims to establish a route for Palestinians to leave the Gaza Strip, effectively moving them from their homes. - Construction of Cities in Northern Sinai: In the third and final stage of the plan, Israel envisions the construction of permanent cities in the northern part of the Sinai Peninsula. These cities are intended to accommodate the relocated Palestinian population, providing a long-term solution for those displaced. - No-Man's Land for Preventing Return: An essential aspect of the plan is the establishment of a no-man's land within Egyptian territory. The purpose of this no-man's land is to prevent the Palestinians relocated to Sinai from returning to their homes in Gaza. WHY THIS MATTERS: This proposal highlights the potential pre-intention of the Biden administration to allocate funding for the displacement of the Palestinian people. What's also concerning this plan coincides with the leaked Israeli document, which reportedly bears the endorsement of the Israeli Ministry of Intelligence, seven days before Biden's proposal was publicized, outlining potentially similar intentions. Israel's Minister of Intelligence, Gila Gamliel's three-stage relocation plan, in conjunction with the Biden administration's funding allocation, has understandably left Palestinians deeply concerned, evoking memories of the traumatic Nakba, intensifying their fears of a potential second displacement. The Nakba is the forced displacement and dispossession of hundreds of thousands of Palestinian Arabs during and after the 1948 Arab-Israeli War. Many Palestinians fled or were expelled from their homes, becoming refugees, leading to a significant demographic and humanitarian crisis, which remains a central issue in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict to this date. DOCUMENTARY: Kill Chain: The Cyber War on America's Elections ... Kill Chain: The Cyber War on America's Elections is an American television documentary film produced by Ish Entertainment, Blumhouse Productions, and HBO Films. The film examines the American election system and its vulnerabilities to foreign cyberwarfare operations and 2020 presidential election interference. The film also features hackers at the conference DEF CON in their attempts to test the security of electronic voting machines. Before the election in November 2020, Democrats, including Hillary Clinton, Kamala Harris, Joe Biden, Barack Obama, Chuck Schumer, and even CNN, The View, MSNBC, etc, etc, all pointed to this documentary as proof our elections were not secure. The film was released on March 26, 2020, by HBO Films. In 2021 the film was nominated for an Emmy Award for Outstanding Investigative Documentary. The film reveals the hacking attack on the presidential election in 2016, through the exclusive on-camera interview with the hacker known as CyberZeist. CyberZeist penetrated the Alaska Division Of Elections' state vote tabulation computer system on 6 and 7 November 2016, and on election day, 8 November 2016.. CyberZeist successfully achieved this attack only weeks after the Alaska Division Of Elections admitted that Russian hackers had attempted to carry out a comparable attack. The film's world famous elections cybersecurity expert, Harri Hursti, discovered that most hackers install a range of software that will be hidden in multiple components of a computer, so that even wiping the hard drive will not remove the hackers’ access. CyberZeist told him, “I’ll go under their radar even if they are 24/7 monitoring it [the vote-counting server].” When reviewing the hack on the Alaska Division of Elections’ servers, Hursti discovered that CyberZeist could read or write any file, including system files: In other words, CyberZeist could have planted vote-stealing software that might still be there, waiting for a command to activate. As Hursti showed in Kill Chain, threat-actors might not even be looking to change results in an election, but to sabotage democracy and bring the process into disrepute. Now, we must move swiftly to avoid a shutdown. 10-25: Johnson calls winning speakership the 'honor of a lifetime'... Rep. Mike Johnson called it the "honor of a lifetime" to win the House speakership in a 220-209 vote after three weeks without a permanent speaker. "Thank you to my colleagues, friends, staff, and family for the unmatched support throughout this process," he wrote in a statement posted on X, the platform formerly known as Twitter. "It has been an arduous few weeks, and a reminder that the House is as complicated and diverse as the people we represent. The urgency of this moment demands bold, decisive action to restore trust, advance our legislative priorities, and demonstrate good governance. Our House Republican Conference is united, and eager to work." Justice Thomas' rare recusal was an attempt at damage control and little else... Justice Clarence Thomas recently recused himself in a case related to the Jan. 6, 2021, Capitol attack, but given his prior apparent indifference toward major questions of judicial ethics, the move strikes me as too little, too late. Thomas stepped aside from the court’s decision not to hear John Eastman's appeal of a ruling that allowed Congress to obtain his emails during an investigation into attempts in 2021 to subvert the presidential election, according to Supreme Court orders issued on Oct. 2. Eastman, who was previously a personal lawyer for Donald Trump, has been criminally indicted in a separate case for his role in a scheme to keep the former president in power. Thomas' decision marks the first time the justice sat out of a case related to the Jan. 6 attack and other attempts to overturn the 2020 election. In a sense, the justice's recusal came in the case that mattered the least. 2 Weeks Provided To Correct Filing: 11th Circuit Emergency Writ Accepted To Hear Case To Invalidate Fraudulent 2020, 2022 Elections - Justice Clarence Thomas To Rule... This Writ of Mandamus (Application) is something Justice Thomas can rule on independently for dismissal, or he can forward it to the whole of the Supreme Court. The applicant is asking that Florida's 2022 General Election (with a 2020 option) be set aside and held anew. There is also room for the 2020 election cycle to be set aside as well, since the evidence shows the same uncertified and uncertifiable equipment was used in both election cycles. According to the applicant, the same evidence proves that the whole of the elections throughout the country were vulnerable to the same fraud. The question would then be - does this allow Justice Thomas to forward to the whole of the Supreme Court, to set aside the results of the entire country for both the 2020 and the 2022 election cycles? Or, could he rule on an injunction pending review of the entire court? The 11th Circuit also covers Georgia. Justice Clarence Thomas to rule. This Writ of Mandamus (Application) is something Justice Thomas can rule on independently. The evidence proves that the whole of the elections throughout the country were vulnerable to the same fraud. This will allow Justice Thomas, or the whole of the Supreme Court, to set aside the results of the entire country for both the 2020 and the 2022 election cycles. They are slaves to the DC money instead of representatives for the People Make no mistake, this is a coordinated effort - just look at the coordinated messaging We need to expose them all Argentina election 2023: what you need to know ... BUENOS AIRES, Oct 13 (Reuters) - Argentina will hold a presidential election on Oct. 22, with a fiery libertarian economist, an economy minister and a center-right former security minister vying in a tight race to reach the presidential palace. One of them will replace President Alberto Fernandez, who is not seeking re-election. The election comes as Argentine voters have been hard-hit by 124% yearly inflation that has pummeled their purchasing power. Two in five Argentines live in poverty. Congress considers future of the military draft, while Supreme Court holds off... The Supreme Court has declined to hear arguments in the case of National Coalition for Men v. Selective Service System. In doing so, it acceded to the Biden administration’s wishes that it not address the question of whether women should join the millions of young men required to register each year with the Selective Service – the federal agency responsible for the draft. It will now be up to Congress to decide what, if anything, to do with the law governing registration and the draft. As scholars of the draft, we have seen Congress grappling with the question of selective service for years. A bill to include women in the draft was introduced in 2020 after a national commission studied the issue for four years. Congress is also considering two other proposals to dismantle the entire Selective Service System. The U.S. military has reinstated a draft, and women are included. ... No one can be drafted into the U.S. military without an act of Congress S. 1139 (117th): Selective Service Repeal Act of 2021... Since the last draft was in 1973, has mandatory registration outlived its usefulness? Congress Should Abolish the Selective Service System, Not Expand It... Senators on the Armed Services Committee recently approved a revision to military draft laws that would require women to register for the Selective Service System (SSS). Proponents of the measure, which was included as part of the annual National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA), see it as a matter of gender equality. This argument misses the point: Congress should be focused on abolishing the draft entirely, not expanding it. As laid out in a coalition letter we supported to members of the Senate Armed Services Committee, this legislation “does not represent a move forward for women; it represents a move backward, imposing on young women a burden that young men have had to bear unjustly for decades – a burden that no young person should have to bear at all.” Congress should be focused on abolishing the draft entirely, not expanding it. For Quakers and all those who hold peace and non-violence as core values, the SSS poses an agonizing dilemma. To register can mean compromising your sincerely held beliefs. To not register can mean losing out on student financial aid, federal employment, and in some cases, citizenship. Selective Service Lacks Staff to Carry Out Military Draft, GAO Reports... 117th Congress H. R. 2509 - To repeal the Military Selective Service Act, and thereby terminate the registration requirements of such Act and eliminate civilian local boards, civilian appeal boards, and similar local agencies of the Selective Service System.... (a) Repeal.—The Military Selective Service Act (50 U.S.C. 3801 et seq.) is repealed. (b) Transfers in connection with repeal.—Notwithstanding the proviso in section 10(a)(4) of the Military Selective Service Act (50 U.S.C. 3809(a)(4)), the Office of Selective Service Records shall not be reestablished upon the repeal of the Act. Not later than 180 days after the date of the enactment of this Act, the assets, contracts, property, and records held by the Selective Service System, and the unexpended balances of any appropriations available to the Selective Service System, shall be transferred to the Administrator of General Services upon the repeal of the Act. The Director of the Office of Personnel Management shall assist officers and employees of the Selective Service System to transfer to other positions in the executive branch. H.R. 3684 (117th): Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act... To authorize funds for Federal-aid highways, highway safety programs, and transit programs, and for other purposes. EO 14097 Authority To Order the Ready Reserve of the Armed Forces to Active Duty To Address International Drug Trafficking... By the authority vested in me as President by the Constitution and the laws of the United States of America, including the National Emergencies Act (50 U.S.C. 1601 et seq.), and in furtherance of Executive Order 14059 of December 15, 2021 (Imposing Sanctions on Foreign Persons Involved in the Global Illicit Drug Trade), which declared a national emergency to address the unusual and extraordinary threat to the national security, foreign policy, and economy of the United States posed by international drug trafficking, it is hereby ordered as follows: 118th Congress - H. R. 1122 - CBDC Anti-Surveillance State Act... To amend the Federal Reserve Act to prohibit the Federal reserve banks from offering certain products or services directly to an individual, to prohibit the use of central bank digital currency for monetary policy, and for other purposes.
  • The Spotlight: Odd Events, Change in Leadership, Public Embarrassment, Resignations, Arrests, COVID+, and Notable Deaths...
    Resignation.info... Notable Resignations Worldwide
    Portugal's PM Costa resigns over corruption investigation... LISBON, Nov 7 (Reuters) - Portugal's Prime Minister Antonio Costa resigned on Tuesday amid an investigation into alleged irregularities committed by his majority Socialist administration in handling lithium mining and hydrogen projects in the country. Costa announced the decision in a televised statement after meeting President Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa. He said he conscience was clear, but he would not stand as candidate for premiership again. Prosecutors earlier on Tuesday named Infrastructure Minister Joao Galamba as a formal suspect and detained Costa's chief of staff. The opposition has demanded that the government step down with immediate effect. The mysterious death of Fauci's most notable critic - "Kary died approximately 10 days later, on August 7, 2019, at the age of 74 in Newport Beach. "... This is something I do not talk about at all, but it is long past the time. Dr. Kary Mullis was a good friend, years ago we surfed together, partied together, and shared a love of science and biotech. He was a consummate joker and great storyteller, but he was also a fierce seeker of truth and doing what was right. He was the inventor of the PCR test and lectured science to never misuse his discovery to diagnose infections because that is not how it worked. He would have been furious to know PCR tests were being used to terrorize the world. He spent a lifetime blowing the whistle on Fauci and big pharma, over thirty years, in fact. There are hours and hours of him on video calling Fauci out for his frauds, especially HIV/AIDS which Fauci became wealthy over. Kary was on a mission for decades to out Dr. Anthony Fauci and Dr. Robert Gallo for all of their HIV/AIDS dirty deeds but excited investigative journalists always were scared away, I personally know for a fact, that one 60 Minutes producer, who was threatened by a man we knew did ‘wetwork’ for the CIA, a man you didn’t want to end up on his radar. As a result of Kary's continual attacks, the IC went on a smear campaign using Alphabet (Google), META (Facebook), X (Twitter) to discredit Kary. Even thinking about questioning science, suddenly became a 'thought crime' punishable by reputation assassination or worse! Let me connect some dots. You see, Fauci and Gallo made up the connection between the so-called HIV and AIDS, their people paid protestors to demand action from the CDC and Congress, in order to get billions in funding. They picked a deadly useless old cancer drug, AZT, to be the treatment for their made-up virus and used the PCR test to "find" it in patients. Thousands of people died from the AIDS Hoax and the use of AZT and many millions of lives were destroyed. Well, forward to 2019. On Monday, July 15th, 2019 Kary and I had our last conversation. I can’t share the details but he was more concerned than ever about gain-of-function (the term is being thrown around in the media a lot lately, but make no mistake about it, gain-of-function is to make viruses more contagious and DEADLY!) being conducted in the US. We knew China and even North Korea were engaged but to think labs on US soil were as well, and that the level of safety was that of a dental office was scary as hell. We were going to talk further later, once he had more concrete evidence, but he did ask me to do some deep data pulls, which I did and I shared with our mutual friend and Fauci critic. Shortly thereafter, Fauci left this threatening voicemail for Kary. Kary died approximately 10 days later, on August 7, 2019, at the age of 74 in Newport Beach. Someone has created a video “The Mysterious Death of Dr. Fauci’s Most Notable Critic”, watch the short 4-minute video located in the comments below! Humpty Dumpty Institute touts partnership with Beijing think tank that employs 12+ members of CCP & People’s Liberation Army Bacon is an advisor to HDI When HDI’s ties to CCP were exposed, GOP Reps Andy Harris and Gus Bilirakis resigned from Advisory board Don Bacon did *not* resign saying he was “satisfied” with HDI’s explanation Wait until you see how much $$ Don Bacon gets indirectly from Sequoia Capital via McCarthy’s PACs, the biggest US investor in CCP military tech Now we know why Don refuses to vote America First He’s protecting his friends in Communist China!
  • Solar Storms, Space Mayhem, and Planetary Anomalies
    Solar flares live...
    Has the mystery of how the moon formed finally been solved? Scientists find new evidence our lunar satellite was created during a giant impact between Earth and a Mars-sized planet 4.5 billion years ago... It is a mystery that has gripped humanity for hundreds of years — how exactly did our moon come to be? Since the 1970s, astronomers have suspected that our natural satellite was created when a giant protoplanet called Theia struck early Earth (Gaia). The nature of this collision and what happened immediately after has been subject to debate, however, with some scientists suggesting that it created a vast cloud of debris which coalesced into the moon over time. VIDEO AS ABOVE.. SO BELOW.. MIRROR.. Everything is TORUS Field... 😌... Earth is hit by blast of energy from a dead star so powerful that scientists can't explain it... Earth has been hit by blast of energy from a dead star so powerful that scientists can't fully explain it. The intense gamma rays – detected using a vast system of telescopes in Namibia – would sizzle humans to a crisp if we were exposed to them. They originate from the Vela Pulsar around 1,000 light years from Earth, which has already been compared in appearance to the mask from the Phantom of the Opera. VIDEO Happening in many locations.... Eye in the sky. Military. Pray. If you knQw you knQw. How NASA's asteroid sample will be brought back to Earth: Capsule carrying dust from a 4.5 billion-year-old space rock is hurtling towards Utah desert ahead of Sunday's historic landing... Its cargo is so precious it could help answer some of humanity's biggest existential questions. That's why there is so much excitement about the return of the OSIRIS-REx spacecraft, which will drop a capsule full of 4.5 billion-year-old space dust back to Earth on Sunday. The 8.8oz (250g) sample, audaciously grabbed from the mountain-sized asteroid Bennu in October 2020, could shed light on how life emerged on Earth and whether we are alone in the universe. VIDEO biblical reference to star alignment now... Form your own opinion, but this warrants consideration...
  • UFOs, ANTARCTICA, Hollow Earth, Super Earth, Flat Earth, ETs... And more...
    All humans were upgraded through a collaboration between 5 Elohim races, lead by Pleiadians. (The story of Enki and book of Genesis comes much later). "Nordic" people were created to look like Pleiadians. Other races were created with different characteristics to provide a variety of experiences for soul incarnations. The first upgraded humans lived in the area of modern-day Sweden in a city called "Crystal". Pleiadians visited often and taught them many things. As dark forces arrived on Earth, the humans of Crystal were unable to cope with the negativity so Pleiadians created an underground infrastructure for them to live in peace. The Inner Earth civilization is called PACHIMILAH. Earth isn't completely hollow, there are many chambers and tunnels. There are entrances all over the world. Some military are aware and have already met them, including Admiral Byrd years ago. The inhabitants of Pachimilah are mortal humans living in 3D just as we are. They live in complete health without outside manipulation. There are solar receivers hidden at the tops of remote mountains which provides them with light and energy. They don't have flying crafts but travel with Pleiadians. They know about everything happening on the surface. Rumors about NAZI UFO bases on the moon and Antarctica were created to confuse people about Pleiadians (angels of light) and Inner Earth humans. We'll meet them at the Shift along with many benevolent ET races. VIDEO Intriguing Footage: Airliner's Mysterious Vanishing Act, Possibly MH370, Caught on Thermal Imaging by MQ-1C Drone and NROL-22 Spy Satellite. ... Reddit's Open-Source Intelligence (OSINT) Community Unveils Compelling Data Affirming its Credibility. - SovereignRedneckRenegade Myths about the Pleiades are the oldest stories in the world.... Pleiadians visited ancient Earth as friends and teachers. They introduced language, architecture, sculpture, music, dancing and always reminded humans of their true power. Pleiadians call Earth "Kishapolee” meaning 'Child of Mine' because they love humans like children and have done more for Earth than any other group. They are with us now and will soon be known again. As our Taygeta family says, "the ending will be the beginning". Arcturian Mothership #NEIOH... Arcturians are the CLAS of CLASHIK. They are ‘of Elohim’ which means they originated in 12D, and along with Pleiadians, are among the most powerful races in our galaxy. Arcturians and Pleiadians have been united for millions of our years and often have mixed families together. Arcturians have blue skin and can be from 3 feet to 15 feet tall. There are 50 million currently incarnated as humans and most don’t know it. We see their triangle crafts near military bases where they land and completely change their appearance when meeting with compartmentalized military. Galactic Federation sightings are happening all around the world. Not all of them are shared. Sightings will increase as people become more ready. VIDEO 'MOTHERSHIP' parked above the city!... Found: Page 25 of the CIA’s Gateway Report on Astral Projection... And wow does it really tie the universe together. Page 25 of the CIA’s “Analysis and Assessment of The Gateway Process” hitched a ride with an email one evening and landed in my inbox. A digital attachment felt like an unceremonious entrance for a document that was produced 38 years ago and has been missing and highly sought after since it was declassified in 2003. For years, people had been filing FOIA requests and speculating about what was on this missing page in the middle of a mind-bending report about military research into astral projection and other dimensions. And then, there it was, just downloaded on to my desktop quietly looking back at me. My immediate reaction was frenetic; I couldn’t chill out long enough to properly read the rogue text. I called a few friends to ensure my reality was synched properly—a telephonic pinch to verify I was awake. All signs pointed to mostly. I double clicked the file. Narrated: CIA GATEWAY PROJECT - FULL REPORT (minus page 25)... VIDEO Black Cube Simulation... Oh this is about to light up some serious cognitive dissonance right here. Go! They might feel out of place. They have the same flaws and struggles as anyone. Many become artists and entertainers. Through Pleiadian contact we know that John Lennon was an incarnated Pleiadian soul from Electra named Beik Moni. John was shown a Pleiadian craft for the purpose of talking about it publicly. Later he was approached by Pleiadians directly. Like JFK and Marilyn Monroe, he was seen as a threat because he had the potential to wake up the world to benevolent ETs. #9 dream contains Pleiadian light language John heard telepathically. AH BOWAKAWA PO SEI translates to ‘Love Awakening Soon’ (shift, ascension, rapture). Beik Moni is one of many Pleiadians walking among us on various missions each day. They can instantly change their appearance to blend in. Be aware of this when you interact with strangers. VIDEO Orange sphere in Brazil... Galactic Federation wants to be seen
  • The Red Shoe Club...
    The Black Eye Club...
    Epstein, Adrenochrome, child trafficking, pizzagate
    DOJ announces arrests in ‘high-end brothel network’ used by elected officials, military officers and others... Three individuals have been arrested on charges of operating a “high-end brothel network” in Massachusetts and Virginia with a clientele that included elected officials, military officers and government contractors with security clearances, the Justice Department announced Wednesday. “Pick a profession,” Joshua Levy, acting US attorney for Massachusetts, said of the sprawling client list during a press conference in Boston. “They’re probably represented in this case.” Levy did not identify any of the brothel’s clients and noted that multiple search warrants are being executed in the case in Massachusetts, California and Virginia. Flight logs. Epstein. Files. MI intel: #REPORT 116 pages of Jeffery Epstein's flight logs have been leaked online I'm currently going through them. Credit: brianhirsh... Mike Johnson is billing them and putting the tab on their table to pay for a war they started so they can take land from Palestinians by using Hamas by attacking Israeli citizens and blamingit on Palestine? Mike, D. Trump has taught you well. Bravo. 👏 welcome to "The New Republic". VIDEO Matthew Perry's laptop... Another 💻 VIDEO THE ROTHSCHILD OWNED MAGAZINES HAVE BEEN PREDICTING FUTURE EVENTS 10 YEARS AHEAD DO YOU NOT THINK THEY ARE PULLING THE STRINGS?... The Wizard of Oz and the banking cartel... Watch this: Wizard of Oz decoded! VIDEO of contract signing hesitancy...... To the initiated, it's already narrated. Jeffrey Epstein victim Carolyn Adriano dies from an 'accidental overdose' in Florida hotel room - as her mom questions report on her cause of death... Carolyn Adriano, who testified against Ghislaine Maxwell, was found dead in May in a Florida hotel room Her mom has said 'nobody's giving me any answers' over Adriano's death, despite it being ruled an 'accidental overdose' Adriano was a victim of pedophile Jeffrey Epstein, who was found dead in his jail cell in 2019, awaiting trial on federal charges VIDEO How Jewish American pedophiles hide from justice in Israel...
  • A.I.
    Herculaneum manuscript is deciphered after 2,000 YEARS: Scientists use AI to read an ancient scroll that was charred during the eruption of Mount Vesuvius... Scientists have used AI to unravel a 2,000-year-old mystery, deciphering an unopened scroll charred by the eruption of Mount Vesuvius. When it erupted in 79CE, the nearby town of Herculaneum was entombed in a flood of volcanic mud and ash, taking with it a library of more than 1,800 manuscripts. While it was feared that the knowledge of the scrolls would be forever lost, two computer scientists have just won $50,000 (£41,168) for revealing the first word from the carbonised scrolls.
  • The Financial Shift continues...
    De-dollarization and more banks to fail...
    FDIC Failed Bank List...
    Bank failure: Citizens Bank collapses after 94 years... The bank failure of Citizens Bank, a Sac City institution for 94 years, has been confirmed by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corp, attributing the cause to significant non-local loan losses. At the end of the third quarter, the bank’s ledger showed $65,558,000 in assets against $58,930,000 in total deposits, culminating in the institution’s cessation of operations on November 3, the FDIC’s announcement detailed. The regulatory body emphasized that there is no mandated warning period for the closing of a bank. Cyberattack hits Mr. Cooper, blocks millions of mortgage payments ... Mortgage servicing provider Mr. Cooper Group shut down multiple systems after it determined a threat actor accessed certain technology systems on Oct. 31, according to a Thursday filing with the Securities and Exchange Commission. The company initiated precautionary containment measures in response to the cyberattack, a move that’s temporarily halting recurring payments and leading customers to make one-time loan payments online, via phone, email or third parties. The status of customers’ loans were last updated Oct. 31. Mr. Cooper is the third-largest mortgage servicer in the U.S. with more than 4.3 million customers, according to the company. Be Part of the Largest Wealth Transfer in History Being Made. Add Nour to your trustline🔥 Fed F**kery Turns Massive $33BN Bank Deposit Outflow Into $51BN Inflow... Bank stocks soared this week (along with everything else) despite another jump to a new record high for bank's usage of The Fed's emergency funding facility, and the massive deposit run the prior week. Probably better not to show Bill Gross this chart... Why Banks Are Suddenly Closing Down Customer Accounts... The reasons vary, but the scene that plays out is almost always the same. Bank customers get a letter in the mail saying their institution is closing all of their checking and savings accounts. Their debit and credit cards are shuttered, too. The explanation, if there is one, usually lacks any useful detail. Or maybe the customers don’t see the letter, or never get one at all. Instead, they discover that their accounts no longer work while they’re at the grocery store, rental car counter or A.T.M. When they call their bank, frantic, representatives show concern at first. “Oh, no, so sorry,” they say. “We’ll do whatever we can to fix this.” But then comes the telltale pause and shift in tone. “Per your account agreement, we can close your account for any reason at any time,” the script often goes. These situations are what banks refer to as “exiting” or “de-risking.” This isn’t your standard boot for people who have bounced too many checks. Instead, a vast security apparatus has kicked into gear, starting with regulators in Washington and trickling down to bank security managers and branch staff eyeballing customers. The goal is to crack down on fraud, terrorism, money laundering, human trafficking and other crimes. FEDERAL RESERVE THREATENS TO SUE BITCOIN MAGAZINE... The U.S. Federal Reserve is taking legal action against Bitcoin Magazine in an attempt to silence criticism of its recently launched FedNow interbank clearing and settlement service. In a letter sent to the publication by the Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago, the central bank of the United States is claiming that Bitcoin Magazine merchandise that parodies its services are not protected speech, but rather an unauthorized infringement of its image and trademarks. US banks hit by deposit delays... Multiple US banks were hit by deposit delays on Friday caused by an error at a payment processing network, according to the Federal Reserve. The Clearing House, which operates the Automated Clearing House system, which allows banks to send electronic payments to each other, experienced a processing error with a batch of bank transactions. Banks send everything from direct deposit paychecks to customer bill payments for mortgages and utility bills through the ACH system. The Clearing House told CNN on Saturday the issue “impacted less than 1% of the daily ACH volume in the United States” and it was “working with the financial institutions who have customers that have been impacted.” “All other ACH transactions are processing as expected,” the company said. America has lost all control. The numbers are eye-watering. Around 600,000 'gotaways' crossed the Southern border undetected in the last fiscal year. 900,000 more, out of 2.4 million migrants encountered by guards, were willingly released into the US. In total, that's equivalent to the population of Philadelphia. Of course, Joe Biden and his Democrats are to blame. But now their own party's mayors are begging for billions of taxpayer dollars to remedy a problem they asked for. Credit Crisis Is About To Trigger A Flood Of Bankruptcies As Banks Warn About Serious Risks... In the depths of the financial world, a storm is brewing, and it’s not just any storm. It’s the kind that has the potential to reshape the lives of millions, triggering a flood of bankruptcies and job losses that could plunge the United States into an economic nightmare. Brace yourselves, because the credit crisis is upon us, and it’s far more ominous than you might think. It’s not merely a credit crisis; it’s a harbinger of a recession that threatens to redefine our existence. The ominous clouds on the economic horizon are growing darker, and they carry with them a tempest of bankruptcies and job losses that could spell disaster for countless Americans. This dire forecast comes not from the realm of conspiracy theories, but from the mouths of financial titans on Wall Street, including the venerable Goldman Sachs. The culprit? The Federal Reserve’s misguided policies, which are poised to send shockwaves through the nation’s economy. GUILTY ON ALL CHARGES UPDATE: FTX was a Democrat Money Laundering Operation with Wall Street Dark Money & PSYOP-19 "Pandemic" Ties... Drug addled FTX crypto scammer, Democrat party money launderer, and “pandemic” grifter Sam Bankman Fried was found guilty on all charges. “Banks and CUs Shutting Down?” by Danlboon – 10.30.23... Since many Banks and Credit Unions may not be Basil 3 compliant and we are not yet notified when they will be shut down, or if they will be, then will the US Treasury seize them all and then they be US Treasury banks? Reports of banks and credit unions laying off employees is coming out in masses as they must be shutting down, but only for that company. How will this all work out, as will they be independent banks or will they just be a median for the US Treasury as they are now the QFS banks working directly for the US Treasury? Will it be that these QFS banks are the only ones that will be handling all of our “restitution and reclamation allowance” actions and not our present banks and credit unions as there will be a new contract we must sign that goes along with our Birth Certificate? Global regulators form asset tokenisation policy forum... Financial regulators from the UK, Singapore, Switzerland and Japan are collaborating on a new project to explore fund and asset tokenisation use cases and decentralised finance. 2022 HSBC to launch Orion blockchain bond tokenization platform... Today HSBC announced plans to launch HSBC Orion, its DLT-based bond tokenization platform. It says that European Investment Bank (EIB) might use it to issue a GBP tokenized bond under Luxembourg law. The solution enables the tokenization of both the digital bond and the currency used for settlement, enabling atomic settlement or delivery versus payment (DvP). “Digital assets are a fast growing part of financial markets. Our clients are demanding solutions that can deliver the benefits of tokenisation within a trusted and secure environment,” said John O’Neill, Global Head of Digital Asset Strategy, Markets & Securities Services, HBSC. “We plan to use HSBC Orion to facilitate further digital bond issuance and expand its usage to other products in 2023.” HSBC Securities Services is planning to broaden custody support for digital assets next year. The digital bond initiative does not involve cryptocurrency but instead uses a permissioned blockchain infrastructure. We’ve asked for more details regarding the technology but have yet to receive a response in time for publication. “Tokenization opens up opportunities for fixed-income issuance, including faster processing and improved operational performance,” said Asif Sherani, Managing Director, Head of DCM Syndicate, EMEA. Efficiencies from using blockchain make it cheaper to issue bonds, making smaller issuances more viable. A shared ledger reduces the need for reconciliation. The Emergence of CBDCs and Their Implications... As the digital era incessantly evolves, the global financial landscape has been undergoing a seismic transformation. One such groundbreaking innovation that has been making waves is central bank digital currencies (CBDCs). With an increasing number of central banks probing into or developing their own digital currencies, it’s imperative to evaluate their emergence and the repercussions they might bring for the global financial system. Drex – Digital Brazilian Real... Monetary authorities and international organizations around the world are tracking the increasing use of digital assets in financial transactions (tokenization) in recent years. Indeed, a significant part of central banks – representing almost the total global GDP – are studying, exploring or testing systems for the issuance of central bank digital currencies (CBDC) for diverse purposes. The Banco Central do Brasil (BCB) has been developing actions aimed at issuing the Brazilian sovereign currency in digital format. Based on the results of a working group created in August 2020, the BCB established the guidelines for issuance of the digital Brazilian currency, henceforth named Drex (Guidelines of Digital Brazilian Real, May 2021). Going forward, the BCB conducted a series of webinars to discuss openly with society the potential uses of the future digital Brazilian currency during the second semester of 2021. Indian banks offer incentives to lift digital currency transactions... Indian banks are offering incentives for conducting transactions using the central bank digital currency, the e-rupee, nudged by the Reserve Bank of India to boost volumes, three sources said. The incentives range from cash-backs to reward points, similar to those offered by the banks on credit and debit cards, they said. Evergrande did not file court documents by requested time -source... HONG KONG (Reuters) - China Evergrande Group did not submit defence documents to a Hong Kong court before a deadline that comes ahead of a winding-up hearing against the company scheduled for next Monday, a person with knowledge of the matter said. The embattled Chinese property developer was directed by the Hong Kong High Court to submit new documents by mid-last week, the person said. US SEC drops claims against two Ripple Labs executives... The U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission dropped claims against two Ripple Labs executives in its lawsuit alleging the blockchain company violated U.S. securities law, according to a court filing in New York on Thursday. The agency said in court papers it is dropping claims that Ripple Chief Executive Brad Garlinghouse and co-founder Chris Larsen aided and abetted sales of the cryptocurrency XRP which a judge has found amounted to unregistered sales of securities. In its December 2020 lawsuit, the SEC accused Ripple of illegally raising more than $1.3 billion in an unregistered securities offering by selling XRP. U.S. District Judge Analisa Torres in Manhattan granted Ripple a partial win in the case in July, finding that sales of XRP on public exchanges were not unregistered securities offerings. Torres subsequently rejected a request by the SEC to appeal that ruling. She also ruled partly in the SEC's favor, saying the agency had shown the company's $728.9 million of XRP sales to hedge funds and other sophisticated buyers had violated the law. The SEC's claims against Garlinghouse and Larsen over their role in those sales were to be tried before a jury. Garlinghouse and Larsen, who have harshly criticized the SEC throughout the case, issued lengthy statements accusing the agency of a political agenda to, in Larsen's words, "suffocate crypto in America." "Instead of looking for the criminals stealing customer funds on offshore exchanges that were courting political favor, the SEC went after the good guys," Garlinghouse said, an apparent reference to Sam Bankman-Fried, founder of crypto exchange FTX. Bankman-Fried is on trial for what prosecutors have called a $10 billion fraud. Jurors at the trial have heard testimony that some of the funds were used to make political donations. A spokesperson for the SEC declined to comment. The Quantum Trinity: XRPL, XRP, and NESARA – The Financial Game Changer... In the intricate web of global finance, a trio of formidable forces stands at the forefront, driving a new era of economic transformation. This triumvirate comprises XRP, XRPL, and the enigmatic key to NESARA – The National Economic Stabilization and Reformation Act. Together, they form the foundation of a financial revolution that is reshaping the world. In this article, we delve deep into this extraordinary synergy, shedding light on the quantum realm of finance and the impending shifts that will leave the traditional financial structures in the dust. The Quantum Trinity Unveiled: At the heart of this financial metamorphosis lies a cutting-edge technology: XRPL, the backbone of the Megalithic Financial Structure. XRPL, or the XRP Ledger, is the quantum network that underpins the entire financial system. It’s the digital highway upon which financial transactions are conducted securely and at warp speed. The Quantum Financial System (QFS) relies on XRPL, making it the linchpin of this revolutionary infrastructure. Things are Beginning to Crumble Within the Ranks of UBS... Long-serving UBS executives and experienced front-line staff are increasingly turning their backs on the institution. There are several reasons at play.
  • Everything Pandemic...
    Mandates, Quarantine, Passports, Discrimination, Boosters, Tests, Protests, Censorship, Lockdowns, Masks, Fines, Incentives and Lawsuits
    CDC COVID data tracker...
    VIDEO US Congressman @RonJohnsonWI alleges that covid was “pre-planned by an elite group of people. Event 201”. ... In reference to the John’s Hopkins Center tabletop exercise with the WEF and the Gates Foundation. Insurance Industry Execs ‘Alarmed’ by Surge in Deaths Among Young People — But Stop Short of Blaming COVID Shots... Executives at the largest insurance companies in the United States are alarmed that teenagers, young and white-collar Americans in the prime of life are inexplicably dying at a record pace, causing a “monumental outflow” of death claims and drag on profits that is shaking the industry and causing some to take a fresh look at the problem. According to an Oct. 26 report in InsuranceNewsNet, U.S. insurance companies expected higher-than-normal payouts from excess deaths during the COVID-19 pandemic. Insurers saw death benefits rise 15.4% in 2020, the biggest one-year increase since the 1918 Spanish flu epidemic, followed by a record $100.28 billion — nearly double the historic norm — in total death benefits paid out by the industry in 2021. “The numbers were naturally forecasted to climb during the pandemic, but some industry and health authorities are concerned the rates haven’t greatly diminished as COVID infection rates have declined,” InsuranceNewsNet reported. The United Nation’s (UN) global health democide node is the World Health Organization (WHO). The WHO is run by a psychotic Marxist war criminal puppet that was installed by the CCP and Bill Gates. The UN wants to lock the entire planet down forever through PSYOP-19 “pandemics” and PSYOP-CLIMATE-CHANGE. They will poison the planet with Modified mRNA slow kill bioweapon injections, and other depopulation schemes all while conspiring with captured governments to strip humanity of their constitutional and natural rights. They will push through the X Everything App social credit score system that will control the remaining human survivors within their 15 Minute Cities in a planetary AI-driven dystopia. This is what the Great Reset and Agenda 21 and 2030 Agenda are all about. CHD Sues Philadelphia Over Law Allowing 11-Year-Olds to Consent to Vaccines Without Parents’ Consent... A lawsuit filed today in federal court by Children’s Health Defense and several parents alleges the City of Philadelphia engaged in a “wink and a nod” practice of vaccinating children behind parents’ backs without informed consent for the past 15 years, under the cover of the 2007 General Minor Consent Regulation. Thank you to the 547 readers who filled out my survey. The results prove they lied to us about the COVID vaccine. It is a disaster. We now have an objective way to prove they lied to us. Excess mortality in the 20 most vaccinated highly developed countries almost triples!... Median all-cause excess mortality in the 20 most vaccinated highly developed countries increased by +149% after vaccination rollout! ‘Highly Improbable’: New Study Exposes Flaws in Lancet Paper Claiming COVID Vaccines Saved Millions of Lives... A new study by all-cause mortality researchers Denis Rancourt, Ph.D., and Joseph Hickey, Ph.D., re-examined the mathematical model behind a paper published in The Lancet claiming the COVID-19 vaccines saved millions of lives. The Lancet paper, cited more than 700 times, was partially funded by the World Health Organization and the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. Possible SV40 DEATHVAX™ "Contamination" CURE: HIV-Infected Green Monkey DNA Found in COVID-19 "Vaccines" -- The Human Genome is Permanently Altered... We may very well have a cure for the SV40 poison circulating within all of the genetically modified human spike protein factories. 🔥🔥Attorney Aaron Siri On Battling The PHARMA Leviathan & Defeating Vaccine Mandates As The Defining Issue Of The 21st Century🔥🔥... Testicular 'TURBO' aggressive cancer & links to COVID mRNA technology (Pfizer, Moderna) gene vaccine? Yes! Makis below shows mRNA Induced Testicular Turbo Cancer e.g. young age (teens, 20s, 30s), ... Stage 4 (lower stage rapid sequelae), multiple tumor type, pervasive spread post surgery, resistant to chemo & radiation treatment, aggressive metastasis (bones, organs), remission flare, poor outcome 8-Year-Old Israeli ‘Poster Child’ for COVID Vaccines Dies of Sudden Cardiac Arrest... An 8-year-old Israeli boy featured in a video promoting the COVID-19 vaccine died suddenly last month from sudden cardiac arrest. Yonatan Moshe Erlichman, the son and grandson of prominent Israeli doctors, almost drowned in the bathtub after his heart stopped on the eve of Yom Kippur. Although paramedics were able to revive him, he died several days later on Sept. 28. In 2020, Erlichman appeared in a video with Shuski, described as a “friendly puppet ‘child,’” urging viewers to get the COVID-19 vaccine when it became available. How Pfizer Hid Nearly 80% of COVID Vaccine Trial Deaths From Regulators... According to an analysis, published this month in the International Journal of Vaccine Theory, Practice, and Research, of Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine clinical trial data, the vaccine makers hid fatality data from regulators in order to qualify for Emergency Use Authorization. HORROR SHOW Life Insurance Data: 40% Surge in Mortality Trend in the 18-64 Age Group... "The mortality trend was so stark that OneAmerica announced deaths in its group life business had risen a full 40% in the 18-64 age group, a trend that began in the second half of 2021 and continued through the remainder." —Tim Bischof, chief actuary at OneAmerica EXCLUSIVE RESEARCH BOMBSHELL: Possible Treatment Approach for Management of Post-COVID Vaccination Myocarditis... This is perhaps the most important article in this Substack’s ongoing series exposing the Modified mRNA slow kill bioweapon, and the various associated “vaccine”-induced death and disease mitigation strategies incorporating inexpensive repurposed drugs that actually work. Today’s article focuses on the growing tsunami of cardiovascular-related deaths due to the Covid-19 “vaccine.” Fortunately, there is now credible evidence that the combination of doxycycline and ivermectin can radically ameliorate this heart damage, thus preventing a majority of deaths related to these cardiomyopathy-type injuries. The recent discovery of low dose doxycycline can protect the heart in undiagnosed, or sub-clinical heart injuries; in other words, those that received the “vaccines” would all hugely benefit from this approach. For diagnosed cases of myocarditis, a combination therapy of regular dose of doxycycline and ivermectin may slow down, and even reverse the damage. Ontario man files $35.6 million lawsuit against Pfizer over son’s vaccine death... New Tecumseth, ON, resident Dan Hartman has initiated a wrongful death lawsuit against Pfizer because his son Sean died from the COVID-19 vaccine. “On the morning of September 27, 2021, 33 days after receiving the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccination, Sean Hartman was found deceased in his bedroom by his mother,” said Sheikh Law lawyer Umar Sheikh in a court filing. “The Plaintiff pleads that Sean Hartman died as a result of the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccination.” Dan was denied money from the Vaccine Injury Support Program in March despite Sean dying after getting the COVID-19 vaccine. “My son died 33 days after his first Pfizer vaccine and he was a perfectly healthy boy with no underlying conditions,” he said. He took a COVID-19 vaccine to be allowed to play hockey. Dan said he took him to the emergency room four days after his first dose because he had brown circles around his eyes, a rash on his face and pain in his right shoulder. American pathologist Dr. Ryan Cole determined in July Sean died from the COVID-19 vaccine. Judge Orders Nuremberg Public Hearing on Nov 9, For Illegality Of Covid-19 Vaccines!... IOJ’s biggest news in the fight to stop covid-19 non vaccine experiments yet!!! Last night on September 13, 2023 the Appellate judge ordered a date for an oral hearing on our appeal to stop the injections! All it took was a few months to get it to the right Appellate court after it got lost in the Costa Rica system. The appeal is to stop the covid-19 vaccine entirely off the market. It takes a village to take down the UN WEF WHO global human experimentation captured regulatory system administering biological agents known to cause harm that they falsely call safe and effective. Help us take these bastards DOWN November 9, 2023!!! We need lawyers fees NOW! The judge ordered it. We don’t have the funds we need to pull this off yet, but we did get humanity the DATE for the Public Hearing & together this is ON. Justice is coming. We were afraid the appeal would be denied for being late due to the courts online upload technical glitches and then our appeal documents literally disappearing (cyber polygon?) so we had to call and ask the clerks to figure it out. The clerks gave us an address to mail to so we printed a ton of pages and delivered the documents late. Its been a couple months and we were kind of freaking out it was lost last week but then it popped up in our online system this week with an order to authenticate it with an attorney. We did that yesterday and today it was granted to proceed rather than deny it for being late! Not only did the court allow the late appeal to proceed, the court decided on their own (ex officio) to order an oral hearing due to the importance of the case! The Appeal will be heard on November 9, 2023 “It took my breath away.” —Dr. Drew on the new study shows 50% of young men who got myocarditis after the vaccine now have permanent heart damage and he doesn’t understand why this isn’t front page news.... And he recommends injured students sue any school that mandated it. UPDATE: From Turbo Cancer to Sudden Cardiac Mortality to Excess Non-Covid Natural Cause Mortality: The Never-Ending Adverse Events of the "Vaccinated" & The Global Depopulation Program... This Substack has been continuously updating the DEATHVAX™-induced horror show data… From Turbo Cancer to Sudden Cardiac Mortality to Excess Non-Covid Natural Cause Mortality: The Never-Ending Adverse Events of the "Vaccinated" & The Global Depopulation Program Facilitated by international travel patterns including the traditional diaspora associated with the Chinese New Year, this novel Sarbecovirus (a subcategory of Coronavirus) rapidly spread throughout the world, causing a clinical disease later named COVID-19 (COronaVirus Infectious Disease 2019). When confronted by this virus (which was closely related to the SARS virus) and the associated clinical syndrome, two separate groups began developing alternative responses to reduce the clinical risks, treat the disease and prevent death. Surprisingly, one group, representing the official international public health community, had participated in planning for just such a coronavirus outbreak (Event 201) at approximately the same time as the virus entered the human population in 2019. This highly centralized planning exercise engaged representatives from western first world countries, representatives of large non-governmental organizations, defense and intelligence communities, and corporate media to determine the strategy and tactics which would be advocated and deployed as a global response. The subsequent response based on this “war game” planning was largely lead by WHO, UK, EU and US public health officials acting in close partnership with the western Biopharmaceutical industry. This top down approach has since become associated with a wide range ineffective or counterproductive recommendations such as use of paper particle masks, lockdowns and rapidly deployed novel experimental drugs and “vaccines”. These centralized, globalized responses have also been associated with breaches of established biomedical ethical guidelines, ignoring well-established pharmaceutical regulatory norms, withholding of key safety and effectiveness data, censorship, propaganda, psychological operation methods such a “nudge” and “neurolinguistics programming” techniques, and heavy handed authoritarian methods for population control. The other group, composed of front line physicians, academic epidemiologists, and other allied health professionals mounted a decentralized, pragmatic response based on previously developed, consensus-driven public health norms combined with experience-based knowledge of the COVID-19 clinical syndrome. This group focused on developing a symptom-based treatment approach employing the existing available pharmacopeia, much of which involved generic medicines registered in the WHO essential medicines list. In contrast to the “top down” approach of the first group, these efforts, activities and successes represented a decentralized “bottom up” response. The International COVID Summit meetings have served as one of many forums for the exchange and reporting of information and knowledge developed by this second group. This Fourth International COVID Summit meeting will provide a report of key findings by members of this second, decentralized group, and will also provide an alternative narrative concerning the COVID crisis; an alternative to the “approved” narrative which has been actively promoted by the coalition of globalists, WHO, “official” western nation leadership and their captured corporate media, the western Biopharmaceutical industry, and their allied intelligence community. Japan Releases Evidence That ALL COVID Variants Were Engineered in Biolabs... An official new study out of Japan has concluded that all Covid variants were engineered in biolabs and intentionally released into the public.
    Outbreaks and Impending Endemics
    Autism and Immunization - A Strange Puzzle... The FDA and CDC support a voluntary reporting system for vaccine adverse events, named Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS). A subset of population adverse events are reported to VAERS. The number of adverse events in a population can be estimated by comparing the reports in VAERS to the reports collected in clinical trials. The proportion of reports is expressed as under-reporting factor (URF). Adverse events are expected to occur within a population at background frequency rates, usually expressed as number of cases per 100,000 individuals per year. Post immunization, the reports to VAERS are predicted to be skewed towards higher reports immediately following immunization with decreased likelihood of reporting as time increases – this is referred to as reporting bias. UN President Approves Pandemic Declaration — Privacy Experts Warn of ‘Digital Gulag’... Over the objections of 11 nations, the United Nations General Assembly president today approved a declaration on pandemic prevention that seeks to create a global pandemic authority. Critics said the declaration supports COVID-19-style restrictions, including “closing schools and disproportionately throwing women out of work and into poverty.”
  • Climate Change - Carbon Neutral - Natural Disasters/Global Warming
    At 600-1000 PPM of CO2 we get optimal FARMING conditions At 200 PPM OF CO2, all plant life DIES👇 Companies uses Carbon dioxide generators to reach these conditions of 600 - 1000 PPM : (1) To increase yield by 30% or MORE (2) To produce an earlier harvest (3) To improve plants resistance to DISEASE and PESTS Who do I have a feeling that this is part of #TheGreatReset and they never want our atmosphere to each these CO2 levels, so that our farmers NEVER see these benefits for FREE!? So let me get this straight: (4) If we increase CO2 in the atmosphere, we get OPTIMAL farming conditions (5) If we DECREASE CO2 in the atmosphere, we get an ICE AGE and DEATH of most life on the planet Can someone please rationally explain why we’re decreasing CO2 levels again!? Companies are PAYING to increase CO2 levels for better farming conditions, while we PAY TAXES to decrease CO2 levels and keep ourselves in SUBOPTIMAL farming conditions!? It doesn’t make any fucking sense to me🤷‍♂️ Council of Foreign Relations VIDEO - CIA director admits plans for geoengineering AKA chemtrails...
  • RECESSION 2022-2023: Shortages, recalls, high prices, layoffs, supply chain disasters, energy, and a record recession in the makings...
    Map of all supply chain disasters...
    UAW expands auto strike to Ford's biggest plant in surprise move... DETROIT, Oct 11 (Reuters) - United Auto Workers on Wednesday shut down Ford's (F.N) biggest plant globally, halting production of lucrative pickup trucks with little warning, in a sharp escalation of the union's four-week targeted strike against the Detroit Three automakers. The UAW said that 8,700 union members at Ford's Kentucky truck plant went on strike after the union said the No. 2 U.S. automaker refused to move further in contract bargaining. Biden's depletion of emergency oil stocks comes back into focus amid Israel-Hamas war, price surge... President Biden's decision to drain the Strategic Petroleum Reserve (SPR) to its lowest level in decades is back in the spotlight amid the war between Israel and Palestinian Islamist group Hamas, which has caused oil prices to surge. On Monday, the Brent crude index, the worldwide oil benchmark, and the U.S. WTI index both surged more than 4% and inched closer to $90 a barrel as a result of volatility created by the Middle East crisis. According to analysts, the conflict — triggered over the weekend after a series of unprovoked attacks by Palestinian militants on Israelis — may lead to large amounts of global oil supplies being withheld. "If the conflict envelopes Iran... up to 3% of global oil supply is at risk. And if a wider conflict eventuates that ends up impacting transit through the Strait of Hormuz, around 20% of global oil supply could be held hostage," energy analyst Saul Kavonic said in an interview with Reuters.
  • Quotes from The Deep State Playbook
    "Before us is a plan in which is laid down strategically the line from which we cannot deviate without running the risk of seeing the labour of many centuries brought to naught. "
  • Gun sales, gun laws, shootings, and mass murder...
    Who can have their Second Amendment rights taken away? SCOTUS may now decide... The Supreme Court will hold oral argument in U.S. v. Rahimi on Tuesday. The case involves the constitutionality of a federal law that criminalizes firearm possession by an individual subject to a domestic violence restraining order. Rahimi is one of a slew of federal court decisions applying the Supreme Court’s recent Second Amendment precedent of New York State Rifle & Pistol Association v. Bruen (2022), which requires that any statutory firearm restriction be consistent “with this nation’s historical tradition of firearm regulation.” Bruen didn’t change the Supreme Court’s preexisting position that the Second Amendment fully covers only “ordinary” or “responsible,” “law-abiding citizens,” as set out in District of Columbia v. Heller (2008). It’s time for the court to tell us what those words mean. VIDEO [After Gun Control] - Learn from history - Australia, Turkey, Soviet Union, Germany, China, Guatemala, Uganda, Cambodia...... Kamala Harris: Congress must have the courage to act and renew the assault weapons ban. Lewiston police identify Robert Card as a person of interest in fatal shootings... Early Thursday, law enforcement officials were looking for a 40-year-old man named Robert Card, whom they identified late Wednesday as someone who "should be considered armed and dangerous." At least 18 people were killed and 60 were injured, according to law enforcement sources. Some of those injuries were reportedly from a stampede, the sources said. This is illegal and she needs to be removed from office immediately. VIDEO THIS IS GOLD! Residents of Albuquerque, New Mexico are completely disobeying their Governor's Unconstitutional Gun Ban...
  • Durham... FISA!!! December 31st, 2023 opens the gates for FISA
    READ: The Durham Report... 6/21/23: John Durham Testifies on His Investigation of the FBI... Justice Department special counsel John Durham testified on his investigation of “Crossfire Hurricane,” the code name for the FBI’s investigation of links between the 2016 Trump presidential campaign and Russian operatives.
  • Infrastructure Disasters: hacks, fires, solar flares, power outages, and earthquakes...
    Project Veritas - Hawai’i Government Officials Contradict Own Citizens’ Accounts on Maui Fire Disaster... In the aftermath of the devastating August fire that claimed over 100 lives in Lahaina, Maui, an independent journalist partnered with Project Veritas to investigate the claims of Lahaina residents who shared their water and electricity was not functioning on the morning of the deadly fire. This journalist held meetings with multiple representatives from the Maui mayor’s office and the governor's office, all of whom clung to the official narrative that the water supply had not been interrupted. As the historic town of Lahaina continues to grapple with the devastating aftermath of these fires, community members continue to raise questions about the government’s emergency response. Hurricane Otis kills at least 27 in devastating blow to Acapulco, Mexico, that tore through high-rises and inundated roads ... At least 27 people are dead and Acapulco, Mexico, has been left in ruins after Hurricane Otis slammed into the coast Wednesday as a record-breaking Category 5 storm. Four people are also missing, Mexican Security Minister Rosa Icela Rodriguez said during a news conference on Thursday morning. Officials and military aid finally arrived in Acapulco late Wednesday after their travel was hindered by the same damage they came to help with and assess. What they found was devastating. Images and video show structures torn apart, including several high-rises. Storm surge and rain left roads inundated, leaving some to wade through several feet of murky water. 10/27 - Acapulco, Mexico was hit with a Category 5 Hurricane Otis.... Media is not talking about this. This storm came out of nowhere and turned into a category 5 hurricane in a matter of hours. The situation looks very similar to Hawaii.
    ⚠️ ARK ALERT: Monitor Internet Outages, Cyber Attacks, Power Outages, Earthquakes, Flooding, Droughts, Solar Activity, Fires, Natural Disasters and World COVID Statistics
    💉 Check Vaccine Batch Codes 💉
    How Bad is My Batch... 💉 Batch codes and associated deaths, disabilities and illnesses for Covid 19 Vaccines Moderna batch codes... Pfizer batch codes... Janssen batch codes...
    Check on your Doctor's incentives...
    The Open Payments Search Tool is used to search payments made by drug and medical device companies to physicians, physician assistants, advanced practice nurses and teaching hospitals.... Data displayed on the Open Payments Search Tool is from January, 2015 through December, 2021. Europe is at DEFCON 2...
    👀 MONITOR: Deepfakes, Cyberattacks, Floods, Earthquakes, Power Outages, Internet Outages, Defcon Level, and Solar Flares 👀
    🗟 What day is today in the _________ calendar?... National Integrated Heat Health Information System... Heat related illnesses and death are largely preventable with proper planning, education, and action. Heat.gov serves as the premier source of heat and health information for the nation to reduce the health, economic, and infrastructural impacts of extreme heat. 📈 U.S. Debt Clock... US Debt in real-time 🕶 Scan & Detect Deepfake Videos... Place a video link or upload a video 🚨 Cyberattack map... Cyberthreat Real-Time Map 💥 Map of all supply chain disasters... From food to fuel... From fires to hacking... 💡 Power Outages Website See the latest power outages Website Down Detector See the latest Website Outages... 👁 Internet Eyes Website See the Latest Internet Disruptions. ☀ Real-time solar activity... Monitor Solar Activity ⚡ Flash Floods and Severe Weather... See the latest Flood Warnings and other Severe Weather Monitoring ⚠️ National Hurricane Center... See the latest on Hurricanes ⚠️ Storm tracker predictions... 🌊 U.S. Tsunami Warning System... Monitor Tsunami Warnings for US 🌎 Worldometer Statistics... Worldometer is run by an international team of developers, researchers, and volunteers with the goal of making world statistics available in a thought-provoking and time relevant format to a wide audience around the world. 📈 The Latest Earthquake Data... See the latest Earthquake Updates ⚠️ EMSC Earthquakes Interactive Map... Interactive Map for Viewing Earthquakes around the world... Zoom in on the La Palma Earthquake "GRID" 🛸 UFO Sighting HotSpot... See November 24th, 2021 Edition for details on flooding, fires, and earthquakes from 2021 OSINT TOOLS... Anonymity Tools Geopolitical Data Photo Analysis Photo Editing Video Editing Monitoring Tools Reading Tools Translation Tools Transport Trackers Infrastructure Environmental Tools Satellite Maps Web Tools
Special Report - Holograms and Light
BullShit News Coronavirus Special Edition
Special Report - Elections and Fraud
BullShit News Coronavirus Special Edition
Special Report - Persuasion Techniques
BullShit News Coronavirus Special Edition
Special Report - COVID and Vaccines
BullShit News Coronavirus Special Edition
Special Report - the History of Money
BullShit News Coronavirus Special Edition
Special Report - United States of America
BullShit News Coronavirus Special Edition
Special Report - The Capitol Insurrection
BullShit News Coronavirus Special Edition
Special Report - Blockchain and Crypto
BullShit News Blockchain Special Report
🞞🞞🞞🞞🞞🞞🞞🞞🞞🞞🞞🞞🞞🞞🞞🞞🞞 DON'T LET THEM DIVIDE US... United We Stand!!! Divided We Fall... Allow Others to Have Different Opinions... Be Considerate... Listen... Embrace Diversity... Think Positive... Don't play the role of doomsayer... Don't help to create Civil War 2022: Vaccinated v Unvaccinated - Left v Right - Q Patriots v Sheeple - Race v Race - Sex v Sex - Lower Class v Middle Class v Upper Class - Citizen v Illegal - Democratic Republic v Communism - Pharma v Nature - History v Cancel Culture - Chaos v Order - Bank v Debtors - People v Cabal - Satan v God... We are one! God Wins!!! Thought and Action Creates Reality. Choose Your Thoughts and Actions with Positive Intent.
Past Editions:
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